Digital Badges at TUS
TUS has developed a quality assured process to validate non-accredited learning. Please refer to Table 1, page 8 of the TUS Digital Badge Policy 2024-2029 which shows the delineation of awards in TUS. The TUS Digital Badge is informed by the expertise and experience within the university and by models of excellent practice to meet the needs of a contemporary university committed to offering opportunities to have different types of non-accredited learning, formally recognised by the university. The TUS Digital Badge serves a wide remit of strategic activity in TUS, aligning with each of the key strategic priorities as outlined in the TUS Strategic Plan 2023-2026 namely:
- Education: Provide a relevant high-quality education offering, focused on interdisciplinarity, delivered in both traditional and flexible ways to cater to a diverse cohort of students, across multi-campus locations.
- Research: Deliver impactful applied research, growing the research community, engaging in next generation thinking and tackling issues at a regional, national, and global level.
- People and Organisation: Operate as an integrated organisation, where everyone’s potential can be realised, and where all individuals are provided with equal opportunities.
- Connecting Communities: Build and enhance relationships and partnerships to drive the sustainable development of our region and make an impact nationally and internationally.
Once an earner has demonstrated that they have achieved the learning outcome(s) set out in advance, the digital badge can be awarded. TUS Digital Badges are available for students, staff and non-TUS members to earn.
TUS Digital Badge Approvals Process
Phase 1
- Issues call for badge proposals, one per semester.
- Provides workshop to support Digital Badge (DB) proposers.
Phase 2 – Application
DB Proposer
- Must complete the DB application form.
- Must get Faculty/Functional Area/Student Union sign off.
- Submits completed applications to
Phase 3 – Review of Application
- Collates and shares applications with DB committee one week in advance of DB meetings.
- Applications reviewed by DB committee based on assessment criteria and scoring rubric (see Appendix II of the Digital Badge Policy) and marketing is notified of potential number of digital badges.
Phase 4 – Outcome of Application
If application is approved
CPID will communicate this to the DB proposer and will a request badge designs from Marketing Department and then set up badge on platform of choice. DB proposer can then proceed to offer the badge to DB earner, whereby the earner completes the application and consent form. DB proposer then collates list of DB earners and forwards it to to issue badge (including full name, email address and badge to be awarded).
Once all above are completed CPID will award the badge.
If application requires further information or is rejected
CPID will communicate this to the DB proposer and provide support to update/complete their application. The DB proposer must review their application following support from CPID and resubmit as per phase 2.
Phase 5
- Will communicate directly to the Chair of the TUS Digital Badge Committee any issues, appeals and complaints.
- Will submit a report to subcommittee (QA&E) and relevant faculty at the end of each academic year.
- Will manage communication of call for further badges and website.
TUS Digital Badge Forms
Frequently Asked Questions
Digital Badges FAQs
There will be two digital badge calls rolled out for each academic year, which will provide information on how to apply for your TUS Digital Badge.
Please give a clear overview of the badge, clearly outlining its purpose and audience.
Please note this description is essential and will be available to view online if the badge is issued.
The badges are designed to recognise accomplishment, so you need to identify the learning outcomes that the student must meet to be awarded this badge. The learning outcomes will be specific for each badge, detailing what the earner will know, be able to do or make as result of meeting all badge requirements.
If you need help writing learning outcomes contact the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation and Development (CPID)
This can be as creative as you wish and there are many modes of assessment; this does not have to be a formal exam or quiz.
For example
- Attend a number of workshops
- Complete an in-class assessment based on material delivered before or during the activity/workshop/course etc.
- Write an essay
- Develop a business plan or project proposal
- Develop a risk assessment
- Participate in a volunteer programme
- Create a video or reusable resource
It is important that verifiable records of task completion e.g. logs, quizzes, artefacts etc. are kept.
This will vary for each badge and will depend on the activity associated with the badge. For example, a first responder badge would typically lapse after 2 years.
Please note for all TUS Digital Badge proposals a start and end date must be outlined.
Typically between 15 and 20 hours learner effort recommended.
Yes, a separate proposal form must be produced for each new badge application.
Yes, you can contact for further guidance.
Yes, you will need to inform participants on how their data will be retained to comply with our GDPR policy.
If your badge is not approved you can appeal this decision with the committee, or work with them to refine and resubmit the proposal. Please refer to the Digital Badge Approvals Process – Phase 4 (8. Outcome of Application) for further information.
Digital badges are a way to highlight achievements and accomplishments to a national and international audience that might otherwise not be visible. A TUS Digital Badge demonstrates that you have a badge from a credible source and you can display this on social media, websites or as part of your email signature etc.
Recipients receive instructions on how to download their badge from the Open Badge Factory (OBF), which is the platform of choice in TUS.
Yes, it is important that you specify the target audience for the proposed badge.
Examples of Digital Badges
