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Course Search

Course Search

Course Search

Duration: 30 months (September 2018 – February 2021)
TUS Project Budget: €81,404
Total Project Budget: €368,361


The MathE project is funded by the European Commission through the Portuguese National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme with the aim of enhancing the quality of teaching and improving pedagogies and assessment methods.

Objectives and aims of the project

Context: Students of scientific and economics subjects at higher education level often lack the basic maths skills to effectively follow their lectures

  • Enhance the quality of teaching and improve pedagogies and assessment methods by:
  • Facilitating the identification of students’ gaps in Maths
  • Providing Math teachers with appropriate digital sources
  • Enhancing transnational sharing of innovative teaching sources
Target Groups

The main target groups of the project are:

  • Maths Lecturers
  • Maths Students at university level
  • Policy Makers in the Field of Education
Contact Details

Marie Walsh
Project Coordinator

Seamus Hoyne
Development Unit Manager

TUS Activities


The project activities will be organized in the following phases:

Phase 1 – Students’ Assessment Toolkit

This phase is devoted to identify the areas where the students’ maths entry skills need to be improved. It foresees a section for the students to self-assess their knowledge and a section to provide teachers with final tests to assess students’ knowledge

Phase 2 – Online Math Library

This phase is dedicated to the creation of a section to offer students and teachers of higher education institutions video based teaching and learning sources to reinforce specific mathematical topics

Phase 3 – Community of Practice

This phase is dedicated to the creation of a community of practice allowing Maths teachers in higher education institutions to share and compare teaching sources, tools and strategies

Phase 4 – Testing

Each of the deliverables produced will be tested with the representatives of the target groups. The testing phase allows the collection of relevant feedbacks from the end users in order to further improve the deliverables produced and create results that are fully consistent with their needs and expectations.

Phase 5 – Multiplier events

A number of multiplier events will be organized to disseminate the results reached, the methodology implemented and output produced in the MathE project. The participants in the multiplier events will be higher education lecturers and students.

Expected Results

The main project deliverables include:

  • Students’ Assessment Toolkit
  • Online Math Library of Video Lessons and Educational Material
  • Teachers’ and Students’ Community of Practices​​