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Support Initiative to Assist Actors Working on Sustainable Energy at the Local and Regional Level

Duration: 36 months (June 2017 – June 2020)
TUS Project Budget: €330,000
Total Project Budget: €700,000


The new ManagEnergy is an European Commission initiative dedicated to regional and local energy agencies with the objectives of assisting them in becoming leaders in the energy transition and of increasing sustainable energy investments in regions and cities.

There is a wide consensus that more energy efficiency and renewable energy investments are needed and that the regional/local level is key to making these investments happen. ManagEnergy provides information, know-how, visibility and networking opportunities and supports local and regional energy agencies in delivering new services or boosting existing ones. Energy agencies are in a unique position to support energy transition in their regions and cities in their role of project developers, aggregators and facilitators for public authorities and this places them at the forefront of energy investments in Europe. 

Objectives and aims of the project

In the next 3 years the ManagEnergy initiative has a strong focus on sustainable energy investments. A completely new website, social media and communication tools will inform sustainable energy actors on the most recent developments in the area of energy efficiency policies and financing opportunities.

Master classes, expert missions (peer-to-peer coaching hosted by energy agencies and their stakeholders) and other events in Brussels will raise the skills of local and regional energy agencies in energy efficiency, financing and project development.

Contact Details

Lis O’ Brien
Project Officer

Seamus Hoyne
Development Unit Manager

Project Website