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Construction Blueprint

Sector Skills Alliance Blueprint for the Construction Industry

Duration: 48 months (January 2019 – January 2023)
TUS Project Budget: € 203,164
Total Project Budget: € 3,999,665


The Constructon Blueprint Project will drive a crucial change and invigorate the construction industry by addressing skills shortages, gaps and mismatches in the labour market through a common EU Sectoral Skills Strategy. The project will address three key areas for the Construction Industry: Energy Efficiency (EE) Digitalisation, and Circular economy including bio-based and secondary recycled products.

The Constrcution Blueprint project has a strong and diverse partnership incorporating 3 EU sectorial umbrella organisations, namely FIEC, EBC (construction companies’ representatives) and EFBWW (trade unions), 9 National sectorial representatives from 9 countries and 12 Vocational and Education Training providers in construction. These 24 partners come from 12 EU countries and will work together to develop a new sectorial strategic approach for cooperation on skills in the construction industry, supporting better matching between skill needs of companies and skills provided by training centers.

Objectives and aims of the project

The Skills Blueprint for the Construction Industry project aims to develop specific relevant instruments to address skills shortages, gaps, future skills and to match skills demands and supply by setting up a sustainable sectorial Alliance between European construction sector representatives and sectorial Vocational and Educational Training centres. In order to reduce the skill gaps addressed by the industry and the training provision, it is important to support growth, innovation and competitiveness in the construction industry.

This Sustainable Sectorial Alliance is to establish a common framework that will allow the whole sector at the European level to drive the needed changes towards the same direction through the “WatchTower”.

Contact Details

Development Unit Manager
Seamus Hoyne

Project Officer
Lis O’ Brien