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Project Reference Number 101075961

Duration 18 months (October 2022 – March 2024)

TUS Project Budget €118, 321

Total Project Budget €359,739    

Type of Model Grant Agreement LIFE Action Grant Budget-Based


As part of the BUSI2030 initiative, TUS is leading on the development of a status quo report and a roadmap of key skills needed by building professionals and construction workers to decarbonise our built environment. 

The roadmap, which will be developed through extensive stakeholder engagement, will refine and refresh the “BUILD UP Skills – Ireland National Roadmap for Energy Training in Construction” published in 2014.

The Build Up Skills Ireland 2030 (BUSI2030) LIFE funded project will refine and refresh the Irish Build Up Skills National Platform to reflect the dynamic policy and sectoral changes which have occurred since the previous research was conducted in 2013. Digitisation, circular economy, embodied carbon and related fields have now emerged strongly as priority areas, which were not specifically addressed in the original BUSI initiative which looked almost exclusively at energy efficiency and renewables. BUSI2030 brings together relevant expertise and knowledge to produce an updated Status Quo Analysis which will compile and reflect the education and training needs for the future. The Status Quo report will inform future actions and a National Roadmap will be published. By engaging relevant stakeholders (established stakeholders but also newcomers) in a consultation process to review, critique and in time endorse the Roadmap, which will be linked to key policy and programme initiatives in Ireland. A particular focus of the revitalised platform will be placed on the financing and investment (public and private) required to deliver the education, training and skills required.

BUSI2030 will set a clear pathway for upskilling building professionals and workers in Ireland ensuring that the built environment sector achieves Ireland 2030 energy and carbon ambitions (and is on a trajectory to carbon neutrality by 2050). BUSI2030 will bring together, within an updated Status Quo report, the skills demand for both retrofit and new build in line with Irelands Climate Action Plan and Housing for All Strategy. The work of BUSI2030 will be directly aligned with the ambitions of existing and ongoing initiatives and will build on the achievements of the Construction Blueprint within the Irish Context. The Status Quo Report will inform a new BUSI2030 Roadmap for Ireland which will be developed through consultation and engagement with industry stakeholders. The roadmap will present an action plan of measures, aligning with existing activities, while also identifying gaps and future synergies.

TUS Activities

TUS are overall project coordinators and project managers and will lead on Work Package 2 Status Quo Analysis and Work Package 5 Sustainability, replication and exploitation

Contact Details

Seamus Hoyne

Project Coordinator


Gloria Callinan

Project Support Officer


Benny McDonagh

Project Officer



TUS will lead a dynamic consortium of the Irish Green Building Council (IGBC), the Construction Industry Federation (CIF),  Laois-Offaly Education and Training Board (LOETB) to ensure we have the right skills to reach Ireland’s climate goals.