TUS EDI Annual Report
EDI Annual Report Academic Year 2023/2024EDI Annual Report 2023
EDI Annual Report 2022
Gender Pay Gap Report
Access the TUS Gender Pay Gap Report and FAQs hereGender Profiles
Since 2016, the Higher Education Authority produces the Higher Education Institutional Staff Profiles by Gender report. These reports collate gender disaggregated data from Irish Higher Education Institutions that are in receipt of annual core-grant funding from the HEA. These reports provide a valuable baseline from which progress can be measured and analysing them showcases changes made in relation to the gender balance of staff within Higher Education Institutes in Ireland.
The reports include:
- The gender of each president/or equivalent
- The gender balance on governing authority/body, academic council and executive management
- The gender balance of staff by post, discipline and grade
- The sector summaries indicate the number of institutions that have a minimum 40% of each gender on key decision-making bodies.
Higher Education Institutional Staff Profiles by Sex and Gender (31/12/21)
Collation and analysis of the Higher Education Institutional Staff Profiles by Sex and Gender (31st December 2021 data) has been completed and is now available on the HEA website here.
All data can be viewed in data dashboards and the data is also available for download (in excel format) from the Centre’s Statistics page here.
New areas of data capture include:
- data from non-core funded staff (data disaggregated by gender, grade, contract-type, pay grade).
- Disciplinary level detail on academic staff.
- inclusion of headcount and WTE data.
Some headline data from December 2021:
- 38% of HEI Presidents/Provosts were female.
- Increases in the number of Athena SWAN awards – 92 awards (18 institutional and 74 departmental) overall, the first Silver departmental award in Ireland awarded to UL.
- 30% of Professors were female (an increase of 3% since 2020).
- 42% of Senior Lecturer 3 staff in the Institutes of Technology, and 27% in the Technological Universities, were female.
- 44% of Senior Lecturer staff in the Specialist Colleges were female.