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Triple C

Capitalising Climate Change Project in Risk Management for a Better Atlantic Area Resilience

Duration: 30 Month​s (April 2019 – September 2021)
TUS Project Budget: €190,000
Total Project Budget: €1,671,265


In the past, communities have mainly operated in isolation from each other when dealing with climate change and disaster management. Greater cooperation would increase the effectiveness of reducing people’s vulnerability to rising insecurities and to strengthen the Atlantic Area resilience. This project responds to the urgent need to achieve this by closer collaboration with current initiatives and previous ones successfully carried out across Europe. Triple-C project is focused on the analysis, evaluation and capitalization of successful EU projects on the prevention and management of risks deriving from climate change, aiming at disseminating and transferring the best practices and results identified in this domain into policy making. 

Triple-C will contribute to strengthening the territory’s resilience to climate and risks of natural origin through the following outputs:

  • Triple-C platform and the compendium of capitalised projects will share the best practices across Europe on the management and prevention of risk associated to climate change. This platform will be live for 5 years after the project to allow practitioners, local, regional and national authorities to attain access to continuous learning.
  • Research missions, Knowledge events and networking activities carried out by the partnership will create synergies among projects and partners and build up a ‘network of networks’ in order to reinforce and enlarge the capacities on management action plans and strategies of the Atlantic territories.
  • Guidelines for the next generation of EU cooperation programmes dealing with climate change risk management and the encounters with policy makers will increase the impact of territorial cooperation towards mainstream regional OP and/or other national and local policies.
  • The Final conference to be held in Brussels will contribute to communicate that mainstreaming of mitigation and adaptation climate change and related risks management and prevention into regional, National and EU sectoral policies and EU funds, is an essential component of a successful comprehensive policies. The activities will cover an estimate population of 800.000 people benefiting from flood protection and forest fire measures.
Aims and Objectives of the Project
  • Collect, organize and update the results, methodologies and tools obtained from different projects in this field. 
  • Identify outcomes and good practices worthy of further dissemination and exploitation. 
  • Capitalize projects by exchange of good practices and experience among partners, as well as through identification of barriers and solutions and making recommendations. 
  • Assure the widest visibility of project products, methodologies, activities and results at European level. 
  • Transfer results, creating a multiplier effect and/or mainstream them into policies, supporting and influencing policymaking. 
  • Provide next EU programmes and initiatives with guidelines and recommendations to be implemented and to support approved projects.

To do so, the project is addressed to three main target audiences: 

  • European, national and regional policymaking bodies and related stakeholders. 
  • Technical institutions responsible for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. 
  • EU cooperation programmes having climate change and risks reduction among their priorities.
Contact Information

Seamus Hoyne
Development Unit Manager

Dr. Darren Barry
Senior Project Officer

Gloria Callinan

Project Support Officer


Project Website