Name: Scott Leamy
Course: BSc (Hons) Biotechnology with Biopharmaceutical Science
Brief description of your job: Commissioning and Quality Engineer- Controlled Environment Solutions. My role is focused on the Water Room Project, where I am qualifying Water Generation distribution tanks which are tasked with feeding production lines.
Year Graduated: 2023
Why did you choose your course? I chose my course because I knew I wanted to have a job where I wasn’t stuck in an office sitting down all day, I prefer practical work. I’ve always had a passion for health and fitness and my course gave me the opportunity to further my interest but at a cellular level.
What did you like most about your course? I really enjoyed the practical labs throughout my time at TUS. The class sizes are smaller and the lecturers were always so helpful throughout; by the end of my time there my classmates and I all knew our lecturers on a personal level which makes it so much easier to ask questions and aided my learning experience a lot.
How has your degree helped you in your career? Having work experience as mandatory for 6 months means you have a head start in proving yourself to employers when you are first released into industry and makes it far easier to get working. The knowledge of how everything you come into contact in the lab is formulated has benefitted me to no end. I work with many mechanical engineers and have been able to provide insights into reasons why the deionised water generation skids aren’t functioning properly, whether it be reverse osmosis or ion exchange.
Anything you want to add? I am so grateful to have been apart of this course, there are so many avenues you can go down when you come out the other side of it. My classmates are all in many sectors of industry with such different responsibilities to what I have. It’s a nice surprise knowing that if you don’t enjoy a job when you first start working that there is always another path to follow.