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Maeve O’ Reilly


Department of Bioveterinary and Microbial Sciences

Maeve O'Reilly

Dr Maeve O’Reilly MVB qualified with a first-class honour’s degree in Veterinary Medicine from UCD and a first-class honours Master’s degree in Adult Education from UL. Maeve lectures a range of subjects in Veterinary Nursing and Bioveterinary Science in TUS: Midlands.

Prior to joining TUS Maeve worked for twelve years as a full-time veterinarian. She maintains her clinical skills with locum activities and voluntary work, as well as attending veterinary CPD events. Maeve is secretary of the Midland’s Veterinary Clinical Society where her role involves organising, and assisting running, the calendar of events.

In TUS Maeve has acted as course co-ordinator for both the BSC in Bioveterinary Science and the BSc in Veterinary Nursing and is involved in making decisions about the direction of programs as well as assisting day-to-day operations. Maeve has acted as external examiner for veterinary nursing programs in other institutes.

Maeve is passionate about teaching. Her Master’s dissertation was on the use of Audience Response Systems in Veterinary Nursing Education. She frequently attends courses on Education including the annual VETTNET (Veterinary Nursing Transnational Education and Training) conference.

Maeve is keenly interested in environmental issues and is vice-chair of the TUS Athlone Green Campus committee.