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Dr. Lisa Kerr

Lecturer in Nursing & Programme Director MSc in Nursing in Leadership and Quality Healthcare

Department of Nursing and Healthcare

Dr Lisa Kerr completed her undergraduate studies in nursing and midwifery in Sheffield, England and obtained her MSc in Healthcare Practice and Education in 2002. She has worked as a lecturer in nursing studies at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in both England and Ireland. In 2016 Lisa was awarded a Doctorate in Education from Sheffield Hallam University investigating Advanced Nurse Practitioners’ (emergency) perceptions of their role, positionality and professional identity.

Currently she is Programme Director of the Master of Science in Nursing in Leadership and Quality Healthcare at Technological University of the Shannon Midlands Midwest. Her teaching interests include research methodologies, evidence-based practice, advanced practice and nurse education. Lisa has supervised or mentored undergraduate and postgraduate students throughout her career. She continues to be research active with particular interest in advanced nursing practice roles, health policy and healthcare systems.

Click here for Lisa’s ORCiD