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Dr. Adam deEyto

Head of Department

Department of Design

LSAD Adam de Eyto_2021_Adam deEyto

Head of Design at the Limerick School of Art & Design (LSAD TUS)

Responsible for a range of BA , MA and CPD programmes in Design at LSAD and is a Principle Investigator in the LSAD Research Academy.

Adam has a specific research expertise in the field of Design for Sustainability and has conducted applied design research the areas of Soft Product Design, Sustainable Product Service Systems, Circular Economy, User Centred Design in Soft Robotics, Transdisciplinary education, Humanising of Medical Devices and Behavioural Change for Sustainability.

Adam is currently the Vice Chair of Design Educators Ireland. He has been awarded and over €3 million in research grants for applied design research through a variety if H2020, Erasmus +, Interreg, Domestic and Industry funding sources and was involved with the setup and Co-Direction and two Design Research centres at IT Carlow and the University of Limerick. He has co-authored a range of academic papers, Co-chaired the DRS2018 conference and was the Lead Editor of ITERATIONS design Research and Practice Review. He served on the Executive Board of Cumulus (the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media) from 2019-2022 as Treasurer for the Association and was formerly an education and research representative on the National Design Forum convened by the Minister for Business Enterprise and Innovation.

Before becoming a design educator he practiced as an Industrial Designer with Lowe Alpine Systems and with Design Partners (Now Part of PA Consulting).

Adam co-supervises a range of MA Research & PhD Candidates in the Design for Sustainability field and throughout his career as an Industrial/Product Design lecturer he has taught, advocated, and researched within the field to engender responsible, regenerative, and critical design practices amongst students, designers, and educators. He strongly believes that design education and practice have the potential to contribute meaningfully to a better future for the planet and those who we share it with.

Please click here for Adam’s LinkedIn

Please click here for Adam’s ORCiD