The TUS B.Sc. in Quality is offered by the TUS Flexible Learning Department as an RPL route to a full Level 7 degree through Springboard. Learners must complete three separate Level 7 certificates, each equal to 20 ECTS credits. Successful learners can then use these Special Purpose Awards as RPL for a full Level 7 award. Terms and conditions for Springboard programmes apply.
John was already working in a biotechnology company when he embarked on his RPL journey. John recounts his RPL experience below.

How did RPL benefit you in TUS?
I used RPL for exemption/credit for one module which was half of one academic year in 2nd year. This enabled me to gain a qualification faster, without having to repeat learning previously completed.
Before I successfully completed my degree, I was a retail manager for 18 years. As the years ticked by, I realized I did not have the passion for the industry that I once had. It’s a very difficult industry to retire from and quiet physical. I knew I did not want to do this for the rest of my working life. I have always been a science fan and I enjoyed a lot of self-learning throughout the years. It did not matter what the science, I always read, watched, and listened to anything from natural history to physics. In a previous role before retail, I was a production manager for a manufacturing company, and it is here when I was introduced to the science behind quality and quality management.
So, I decided to go and become qualified, and my journey began with TUS. Firstly in 2018 I attended the EIQA Diploma in Quality Management Part 1 and completed Part 2 in 2019. On the back of this qualification, I entered the degree program in quality in 2020.
Why was RPL the right fit for you?
RPL was perfect for me as it recognized my hard work in previous courses. I was thrilled to qualify for exemptions in my degree as it gave me the time to concentrate on other modules and give it my all. It’s valuable to receive recognition for prior learning and experience as it incorporates educational and work experience.
How has RPL and higher education impacted on you on a personal level?
When you receive RPL it does great things for your confidence and self-esteem. You know once qualifying for RPL that all that past hard work on your CV has been worth it. It has given me the confidence to really stand back and look at what I have achieved.
How has RPL impacted you professionally?
RPL has allowed me to cross function quiet early within my role as I had experience and knowledge in other areas outside of my team.
How would you describe your experience of the RPL process in TUS?
The process was straight forward, my lecturers Dr Larkin and Dr Curtin were great for guiding me through the process. I firstly had to submit proof of other qualifications and fill out some paperwork and send it to the department head. From there the lecturers gather the info and see if you qualify for exemptions/credits. The process was easy and quick.
What advice would you offer someone looking into RPL in higher education?
My advice would be to decide first which modules/subjects you are looking to gain credit for. Then gather all your proof and be ready to discuss it with your lecturers. It is a great opportunity to analyze your learning and work experience and earn the credit that you deserve from all your hard work in the past…….go for it!