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External Funding Opportunities

Note: if you intend to apply for an external funding call, please complete the ‘Expression of Interest TUS Research Proposal Submission Form’

** Please scroll left to right for full table **

Funder Funding CallTargetFunding AvailableLaunch DateDeadlineFunding DurationStageFurther Information
Research Professional VariousResearch Professional helps researchers discover and apply for funding, track funding trends, and improve their chances of success in securing financial support for their work.RollingResearch Professional – Funding

Wellcome Trust

Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards

Funding for discovery-stage projects across science disciplines.
You should ask for the resources you need for your research programme – see the ‘Research costs we’ll cover’ section on this page. You will need to justify this in your application. The average size of a Discovery Award is £3.5 million. Applications above £5 million will be subject to additional scrutiny.Three times a year – Upcoming deadlines in December 2024 and April 2025Awards can be up to 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines, and may be longer if held on a part-time basis. The average duration of a Discovery Award is 7 years, although we have supported awards from 3 to 8 years.Wellcome Discovery Awards – Funding for Established Researchers | Grant funding | Wellcome

Simons Foundation

Targeted grants in mathematics and physical sciences, Simons Foundation

Research grants in mathematics and physical sciences

 RollingFunding Opportunities
Enterprise IrelandEnterprise IrelandRolling

Research Ireland

Research Ireland Frontiers for the Future Programme

The SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme provides opportunities for independent investigators to conduct highly innovative, collaborative research with the potential to deliver impact, whilst also providing opportunities for high-risk, high-reward research projects. The programme comprises two streams: Projects and Awards

Projects provides funding for high-risk, high-reward research that facilitates highly innovative and novel approaches to research.
Awards provides larger scale funding for innovative, collaborative and excellent research programmes that have the potential to deliver economic and societal impact.

Awards Call: OPEN for applications.
Research Ireland Frontiers for the Future Programme
DAFM1. European partnership for a sustainable Future of Food Systems – FutureFoodS – 1st Co-fund Call
2. IE-NZ Ireland – New Zealand Joint Research Mechanism – 2024 Joint Call for Research Proposals
3. Shared Island Bioeconomy Demonstration Initiative 2024 Call
4. 2024 US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership in Agriculture
5. 2024 ICT-AGRI-FOOD Joint Call on “Tackling Digitalisation for Sound Agriculture and Food Systems”
6. The European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare, The 1st Co-funded Call for Transnational Collaborative Research Projects
7. 2024 Green ERAHUB Joint International Funding Call on “Crop and livestock farming meeting the challenges of climate change”
DAFM previously operated three separate ‘public good’ competitive research funding programmes covering agriculture ‘Research Stimulus Fund (RSF)’, food ‘Food Institutional Research Measure (FIRM), and forestry ‘Programme of Competitive Forest Research for Development (CoFoRD)’. In December 2020, DAFM updated this Programme which now comprises of the following five strands: 1. Thematic Research Strand: 2.International Outreach Strand:3. Strategic Studies Strand: 4 5. Coordination and Support Activities: – Research – Open Calls

European Commission

Boosting Competitiveness and Innovation Capacity of SMEs through creative partnerships and the use of new technologies – WORTH partnership project

The general objective of this call is to enhance the competitiveness, sustainability, and innovation of European design-intensive creative and lifestyle industries, particularly in sectors like fashion and home decoration.

The WORTH Partnership Project supports transnational business partnerships between SMEs (e.g. manufacturers, crafters, tech-providers) on the one hand and designers or other creative professionals on the other. Throughout an incubation and acceleration process, these business partnerships work to develop innovative, design- and creativity-driven products, processes or services with high value-added helping them either embark on a sustainable business path or enhance their competitive position. 

The estimated available call budget is EUR 4 500 000:


3 April 2025, 17:00 (CEST)

Research Ireland

Enterprise Partnership Scheme (Postgraduate)

The Enterprise Partnership Scheme is a national initiative linking excellent researchers in all disciplines to enterprise; in the context of this call, enterprise partners can range from multinational corporations to SMEs, non-governmental organisations, and, where justified, public sector agencies. The scheme provides researchers with the opportunity to pursue research in collaboration with enterprise while based at an eligible research body.

The award will support suitably qualified research master’s and doctoral candidates pursuing, or intending to pursue, full-time research in any discipline. The duration of these awards ranges from one to four years and comprise:



Enterprise Partnership Scheme (Postgraduate) – Research Ireland

European Research Council
ERC Proof of Concept (2025)
Support for proof-of-concept research.
Work Programme 2024 will continue to award Proof of Concept Grants on the basis of a lump sum of EUR 150,000 for a period of 18 months
13-Mar-2025 / 18-Sep-2025
RC Proof of Concept Grant: Bridging Research and Innovation

Research Ireland

​Innovate for Ireland Programme 

nnovate for Ireland’s key objective is to attract world leading research and entrepreneurship talent to Ireland to conduct advanced, multidisciplinary PhD research to address global sustainability challenges.

The Innovate for Ireland 2025 Programme is now open for applications, with two funding streams:

Thematic Cohort stream – for applications to host a Cohort of iScholars working on research related to two specific thematic areas under the overall Innovate for Ireland Programme. The themes for the 2025 thematic cohort stream are: 


Innovate for Ireland Programme – Research Ireland

eit RawMaterials

Calling on innovative solutions that minimise the environmental impact in the mining, forest, and steel industries. – Students

. The winning team can expect a €10.000 prize, while the second and third teams will receive €3000 and €2000, respectively.

30th March 2025

Tapojärvi Open Innovation Challenge 2025 for Students | EIT RawMaterials – Developing raw materials into a major strength for Europe
Wellcome Trust
Wellcome Career Development Awards
This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding related to human life, health and wellbeing. The annual expenditure for a Career Development Award is usually below £250,000 
Research Funding Opportunities – Grant Funding | Wellcome
Science Foundation IrelandSFI Frontiers for the Future ProgrammeIndependent investigators conducting highly innovative, collaborative research with the potential to deliver impact, whilst also providing opportunities for high-risk, high-reward research projects.Award: €600,000 – €1,500,000 (direct costs)Open Call (Awards Only)Awards 4 – 5 years;
Projects 2 – 4 year

Research Ireland

European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies ERA-NET (CHIST-ERA)

European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies ERA-NET (CHIST-ERA) – Research Ireland


European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies ERA-NET (CHIST-ERA) – Research Ireland
Science Foundation IrelandUS-Ireland R&D Partnership ProgrammeIncrease the level of collaborative R&D amongst researchers and industry across the three jurisdictions of United States of America, Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland. SFI: €350,000Open Call3 – 5 years
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council & SFIEPSRC-SFI Joint Funding of ResearchEncourage and support research applications that cut across national boundaries involving collaborative teams led by researchers from the UK and Ireland. Open CallUp to 5 years

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships will be open to excellent researchers of any nationality.9 April 2025
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2025 | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Research Ireland

Ulysses 2026

The aim of the Ulysses scheme is to foster new collaborations between Ireland and France-based researchers by providing seed funding for reciprocal travel visits. The scheme thus facilitates the exchange of innovative ideas and approaches across all disciplines. Applications meeting the eligibility criteria will be accepted from both Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Arts, Humanities and Social Science (AHSS) scholars in any discipline.his year, selected research projects will also be supported by the following strategic partners:

Electricity transmission system operator EirGrid will partner with France-based Réseau de Transport d’Électricité to support suitably aligned research projects in the area of enewable energies and smart grids.
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and ADEME, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency, will provide support to research projects exploring topics relating to sustainable energies.

In order to facilitate more collaborative engagements, funding is now provided over the course of 2 calendar years, with €5,000 awarded to both Ireland and France-based research partners.



Ulysses 2026 – Research Ireland

Horizon Europe (HORIZON)

Enhancing the European R&I system (HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-02)

This action will promote implementing the standards for attractive careers as laid down in the new Charter for Researchers and the Council recommendation on a European framework for research careers[1], responding to the political call for “labour market players to join forces for attractive careers”. It will support cooperation between academic, private and public sector entities at organisational level to create ecosystems that ensure attractive early research careers perspectives, provide researchers with skill sets that match labour market requirements, thus providing the talent pool needed for a truly functioning internal market for knowledge.

a stipend of €25,000 per annum;



Enhancing the European R&I system (HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-02)

Health Board Research

US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme | HRB | Health Research Board

The US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme is run jointly by funding agencies across three jurisdictions: United States of America, Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The Programme aims to increase the level of collaborative R&D among researchers and industry professionals across the three jurisdictions. It covers the full remit of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Up to €700,000


US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme | HRB | Health Research Board

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions

MSCA Staff Exchange 2025

Staff exchanges to foster international collaboration.
27th March 2025
MSCA Staff Exchanges – European Commission

European Innovation Council

EIC Pathfinder Open
he EIC Pathfinder is a funding programme under Horizon Europe that offers support to research teams by:
funding research to develop the scientific basis to underpin breakthrough technologies
supporting the earliest stages of scientific, technological or deep-tech R&D
aiming to build on new, cutting-edge directions in science and technology to disrupt a field and a market or create new opportunities
realising innovative technological solutions to identify, develop and scale up breakthrough technologies and disruptive innovations in Europe


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
MSCA Doctoral Networks 2025
MSCA Doctoral Networks will implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond.28 May 2025
MSCA Doctoral Networks 2025 | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Circular Bio Based Europe HORIZON-JU-CBE-2025CBE JU calls follow the rules and procedures of Horizon Europe, the EU’s research and innovation programme. Find more information about Horizon Europe’s funding opportunities.Call budget: €165 million4th April 202517th September 2025Open calls for proposals | Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU)