Volume 1 – TUS Overarching System of QAE
1. TUS Policy on Quality Assurance & Enhancement2. TUS Policy on Strategic Review of Technological University Support Units
3. TUS Guide to Effective Practice that Supports Equity in TU Communications
4. TUS Guidelines for Conducting Focus Groups for Quality Assurance Processes
5. TUS European and National Quality System Resources
6. TUS Student Charter
Volume 2 – TUS Governing Body & Academic Council
1. TUS Interim Code of Governance2. TUS Academic Council Documentation
Volume 3 – University Strategies
1. TUS Strategic Plan2. Putting Learning First: TUS Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy
3. TUS Apprenticeship Strategic Implementation Plan
4. Transitions and Student Success Strategy for TUS
Volume 4 – Academic Regulations, Policies & Procedures
1. TUS Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes2. TUS Postgraduate Research Regulations
3. Framework for the Development of Professional Doctorates in TUS
4. TUS Article-based PhD Thesis/PhD Thesis by Publication
5. TUS External Examiner’s Policy and Procedure for Taught Programmes
6. TUS Policy on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
7. TUS Graduate Attributes Framework
8. TUS New Programme Validation Process Outline
9. TUS Programmatic Review Process Outline
10. TUS Policy on Micro-Credentials
11. TUS Policy and Procedures for Collaborative Provision
12. TUS Policy on Linked Provision and Linked Provider Framework 2022 – 2025
13. TUS Research Ethics Policy and Procedures for Taught Programmes
14. TUS Policy for Accessible Exam Papers
15. TUS Exams Guidance Notes for Markers
16. TUS Institutional Affiliation & Funder Acknowledgement Policy
17. TUS Definitions and Methodology for Student Statistics Reports
18. TUS Policy for Embedded Awards and Exit Application
19. TUS Policy & Procedure for Differential Validation of a Major Award
20. TUS Digital Badge Policy
21. TUS Student Garda Vetting Policy and Procedure
22. TUS Submission Specifications for PhD and Master’s Theses
23. TUS Postgraduate Research Regulations for Professional Doctorates
24. TUS English Language Policy
25. TUS Policy for Participation in European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes
26. TUS Global Admissions Policy
27. TUS Global Agent/Recruitment Partner Policy
28. TUS Global Non-EU Refund Policy
29. TUS Global Eramus+ Policy and Procedure
30. TUS Global Non-EU Fee and Scholarship Policy
Volume 5 – Student Support Policies and Procedures
1. TUS Student Code of Conduct and Discipline2. Student Policy on Dignity & Respect: Dealing with Harassment &/or Bullying among Students
3. TUS Student Complaints and Problem Resolution Procedure
4. TUS Student Reasonable Accommodation Policy
5. Policy & Procedures on the Provision of References to Students/Graduates of the TU
6. TUS Policy for Provision of Lecture Recordings as a Reasonable Accommodation
7. TUS Student Death Protocol
8. TUS Child Protection Policy
9. TUS Child Safeguarding Statement
Volume 6 – Quality Enhancement Resources
1. TUS Compendium of Active Learning and Assessment for Student Engagement2. TUS Compendium of Active Learning Strategies for Student Engagement
3. TUS Groupwork in Higher Education: A Practitioners Guide
4. TUS – Compendium of Approaches to Internationalisation of the Home Curriculum
5. Reaching Out to All – Guidelines for a Universal Design for Learning Approach
6. TUS Quality Profile Programme and Student Focus