What is a Digital Portfolio?
A Digital Portfolio is a digital representation of your creative skills, abilities, interests, and personality. It can include photographs and videos of your physical work, such as, painting, sculptures and fashion items; as well as files containing your digital work, such as, digital art, images, photography, 3D models, designs, videos and animation. Your digital portfolio can also include videos of notebooks containing research, sketches, and exploratory work.
The contents and inspiration for your portfolio can come from many sources including, for example, Leaving Certificate subjects such as Art, Music, Design and Communication Graphics, Technology, Construction Studies, Engineering, Computer Science and Home Economics. Portfolio work can consist of projects which you have already completed in Secondary School or on a PLC and which you have recorded through photographs or video.
However, not all the work in your portfolio needs to come from an educational setting. It is always good to see work that you have created in your own time or from your involvement in other creative activities, as a member of various groups or clubs or your involvement in creative competitions. Please also feel free to include unfinished work or work in progress or work which you created as part of a collaborative team.
There is no formula for a portfolio it is as individual as the person putting it together. However, we will ask you to be selective and limit it to 20 pieces. So, select the work that you feel best about and that you think represents your creativity / skillset best.