Planning and operating different types of events on Campus is a regular occurrence.
Typical on campus events include Careers Fairs, Open Days, Graduation Ceremonies, Sport Competitions, Art Exhibitions, Barbecues, Wall Climbing Events and Social Gatherings including performances.
These events will be organised and delivered by many different groups including TUS, Units TUS Departments, TUS Staff and TUS Students. There are also an number of external organisations that will seek and obtain TUS approval to run events on campus.
Depending on the type of event being operated, its associated activities may present a greater number of potential hazards, and this will need an increased level of control (e.g. a mobile wall climbing event), to maintain good standards of Health and safety.
With the above in mind, TUS Midlands has put in place an Event Management Policy and Procedure, which is intended to ensure that events are properly organised, managed, and operated. The Full Policy and procedures can be accessed via the link below.
All Midlands Management, staff, and students wishing to operate events on campus must ensure their event is planned and operated in accordance with this policy and its procedures , to ensure the event is operated safely and remains an enjoyable experience for all participants.
TUS Midlands Event Management Policy and Procedures