If you have been unsuccessful in passing an examination(s), you will need to apply to repeat these exams at the next available examination session.
Winter Exam Session
Candidates who have been unsuccessful after Semester 1 will need to wait until after the summer exam session to apply to repeat in the autumn exam session. You will need to login to the Final Results page where your results are listed and apply to repeat, using the Re-Apply link. Repeats for Semester 1 take place in the autumn session.
Summer Exam Session
After the summer exam session you must apply and pay for repeat exams online. If you have been unsuccessful in any module(s), then a Re-Apply link will appear underneath the listing of exam results. You can complete the registration process by clicking on this link and following the instructions carefully.
Autumn Exam Session
Candidates who have outstanding failed modules at the end of the academic year are invited to apply to repeat externally as a Repeat Exam Only student.
Please note: Friday 4th July is the deadline for registering and payment for repeat Autumn Exams for 2025
The repeat fee is currently €100 in total, regardless of the number of modules to be repeated.
Please note that this fee is non-refundable.
Please note that you are not officially registered until the fee is paid.
Repeating Failed Modules from Semester 1 and 2 during the following academic year:
Repeat Exam Only: Applications to repeat externally (i.e. Exam Only) MUST be approved by the relevant Head of Faculty/School/Department.
Applications will only be accepted through the automated application form, available here or via the QR Code below:

Please do not email requests to Repeat Exams Only to the Exams Office
If your application is approved, you will be notified by email to your student email address.
The Exams Office will register you for your External Repeat modules and a fee of €100 will be applied to your account.
If you need to repeat a module from Semester 1 or 2, in the following academic year, you may apply to ‘Repeat & Attend’ through the Admissions Office.
To make payment please see “How to pay your fees