If you need URGENT help, you can go somewhere that feels safe and call 999/112 and speak to the emergency services.
If you have any injuries or feel very unwell in any way you may want to call 999/112 and ask for an ambulance. Call 111 for an assessment or arrange to see your GP (Doctor) urgently.
If seeking help for an incident of sexual harassment or sexual violence click on the links below to access support within the University or the community.
This role is responsible for the implementation of the Safe, Respectful, Supportive and Positive: Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutions which was published by the Government in April 2019.
The manager is also responsible for the implementation of the TUS staff and student policy and procedure for addressing sexual harassment and violence, and educational initiatives to support its roll-out.
Overall, this position will play a central and proactive role in fostering a safe, respectful, and supportive work and study environment for all in TUS.
If you have any questions, need support, or would like to make a disclosure or formal complaint please contact the manager.
ESVH (Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment) Allies
An ESVH Ally in TUS is someone who has completed the Galway Rape Crisis Centre Sexual Violence Disclosure Training on receiving disclosures relating to sexual violence and harassment and who is an initial contact for students or staff.
We have eighty ESVH allies across TUS campuses, who are trauma informed and are here to listen, believe and signpost you to the supports available if you need to talk about something that has happened to you.
If you have been affected by sexual violence or harassment click the link to find the list of ESVH Allies on our campuses.
TUS has established a Community of Practice for ESVH Allies. This voluntary space is facilitated by Student Counselling to facilitate learning from experiences of receiving disclosures, within the bounds of confidentiality, so that staff:
feel further equipped in supporting initial disclosures,
have a space to discuss any fears/queries they have in supporting disclosures,
gain further clarity on the limits of their role in terms of being an ESVH Ally and have up to date knowledge of relevant support services available,
have an avenue to provide feedback on further supports/training requirements.
Student Support Services
The TUS Student Counselling Service provides a safe, supportive and confidential environment in which students can discuss any emotional or psychological difficulties they may be experiencing. The counsellor will use their training and expertise to help you clarify what issues are impacting on you and your life, and then facilitate exploration of how you can find better or different ways to live and different perspectives. Counselling is free for all TUS registered students.
The aim of the TUS Student Health Service is to provide confidential and caring health support through Health Promotion and Healthy Lifestyle Awareness and to respond to the needs and concerns of our students. A dedicated Sexual Health Nurse Specialist is available to students at TUS Athlone to provide immediate medical treatment for injuries and any required follow-up specialist care. This service can be accessed daily via the student health unit and includes a direct confidential referral pathway to the Sexual Assault and Treatment Units (SATU).
Text TUS to 50808 is a 24/7 crisis text line is available to all students in the TUS community.
Togetherall is a safe, online community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and wellbeing.
Staff Support Services
The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provides professional support and information on a wide range of topics.
It is available to all TUS staff and their families.
The Mission of the Union is to be the independent representative organisation for students of the TUS, to act in the best interests of its members, to advance and defend the rights, primarily in relation to their education and welfare as students of the University, and also as active participants in Irish society.
Women’s Aid campaign raises awareness of relationship abuse and teaches young people, in particular young women, about the red flags on an unhealthy relationship – while emphasising those contrasting indicators of healthy behaviours in intimate relationships.
Hotline.ie is the Irish national reporting centre where members of the public can securely, anonymously, and confidentially report concerns in respect of illegal content online, including intimate images and videos shared online without the person’s consent.
Telephone helpline for victims of crime, EU-wide number 116006
Ruhama support to women impacted by prostitution, sex trafficking and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation. Text REACH to 50100 for FREE, and get FREE confidential support or call on 01 836 0292
Men Overcoming Violence (MOVE) work in the area of domestic violence, with a primary aim of supporting the safety and well-being of women and their children who are experiencing, or have experienced violence/ abuse in an intimate relationship. MOVE Ireland deliver a professionally led group work intervention giving men a chance to learn about the impact of their destructive behaviour on the family.