The Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021 requires organisations with over 250 employees to report on their Gender Pay Gap. Organisations are asked to select a ‘snapshot’ date in the month of June. The reporting period is the 12-month period immediately preceding and including the snapshot date.
TUS adheres to nationally agreed salary ranges for all job roles. This ensures that everyone is paid fairly for undertaking the same or a similar role. The gender pay gap looks at the distribution of men and women across all job levels of the organisation and identifies how this translates into the average salary made as a result.
The Gender Pay Gap is an equality measure that shows the difference between the average earnings of all men versus that of all women in an organisation.
The TUS Gender Pay Gap Report provides detail on:
- Difference between the mean hourly pay of male and female employees;
- Difference between the median hourly pay of male and female employees;
- Difference between the mean hourly pay of male and female part-time employees;
- Difference between the median hourly pay of male and female part-time employees;
- Difference between the mean hourly pay of male and female employees on temporary contracts;
- Difference between the median hourly pay of male and female employees on temporary contracts;
- The percentages of male and female employees who fall into quartile pay bands.