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Agricultural Science and Sustainability – BSc (Hons)

  • CAO Points: 302

  • Location: Thurles

  • years: 4

Course Overview

The aim of this course is to produce graduates with knowledge and skills in agriculture with a focus on sustainability. While the course provides the students with a sound theoretical basis for understanding complex agricultural and environmental phenomena within a sustainable development context, its focus is on the practical application of knowledge and skills including agri‑business and on‑farm settings.

Agriculture and food is an expanding and vital sector in the Irish economy and sustainability is becoming increasingly important within that sector. The requirement for environmental and sustainability managers in the agribusiness sector is constantly growing. This degree is designed to develop graduates with expertise in the management of agriculture’s interaction with the environment who will be ideally qualified to take advantage of the growing employment opportunities.

The course is designed to give graduates the practical skills in the laboratory, fieldwork and farm skills to work in a broad range of sectors. There are also subjects on personal development which are valuable for success in the workplace. In the second semester of year 3, students will have the opportunity to take part in a work placement of their choice to hone their practical skills while in year 4 they will study atmospherics, carbon management and soil management which are essential in developing sustainable agricultural systems.

Gurteen College Logo

This course is offered in conjunction with Gurteen College and fulfils the requirement for Trained Farmer Status (Green Cert). Gurteen College is a 414-hectare farm which includes a wide range of commercial enterprises providing an ideal learning environment. Students of this course will spend the semester 2 in year 1 and semester 1 of year 2 on the Gurteen College campus. 
Note: Accommodation is available at Gurteen College. This may be available at an additional cost. Gurteen may charge an additional fee to cover the cost of food and materials.

Contact Details

Brigid Doyle


What are the entry requirements?

Leaving Certificate

A minimum of two H5 and four O6/H7 grades in six Leaving Certificate subjects, including Mathematics and English or Irish.

Mature Applicants

Candidates applying as mature applicants may be required to attend an interview and may be requested to take an aptitude test to prove their suitability for a place on this programme.

Advanced Entry into year 2

Applicants presenting the full level 6 QQI/FET (FETAC) award in ‘Advanced Certificate in Agriculture’ that includes 3 distinctions in any of the three specialisations listed below will be considered for advanced entry requirements.

  • Advanced Certificate in Dairy Herd Management – Level 6
  • Advanced Certificate in Drystock Management – Level 6
  • Advanced Certificate in Agriculture (Crops and Machinery) – Level 6
International Applicants

International applicants should apply directly to the International Office at TUS, allowing plenty of time for completing the visa process. Applications for September start should be made by 1st June at the latest to ensure visas are processed in time. You should familiarise yourself with visa processing times for your country of origin to ensure you make a timely application. Find out more here.

Course Modules

  • Introduction To Sustainable Development

    Credits: 5

    This module will explore the historical, policy and practical context of sustainable development as a contested concept. It will introduce the principles of sustainable development, while using case studies to explore their practical application of sustainable development in action.

  • Professional Skills In Third Level

    Credits: 5

    This module introduces students to the principles of effective communication and to develop their personal awareness and develops their communication, team working and presentation skills. The module uses the framework of Emotional Intelligence in developing good customer relations and in creating effective client communication while also examining strategies for managing the challenge of working in interpersonal conflict situations. In addition, the module focuses on the students study and academic writing skills as required for 3rd level.

  • Introduction To Environmental Chemistry

    Credits: 5

    The aim of this module is to provide learners with problem-solving skills and basic scientific knowledge focused on application to environmental and natural resource management. This module is complimented by the practical work in the laboratory skills modules.

  • Introduction To Laboratory Practice and Measurement

    Credits: 5

    Implementing good laboratory techniques and analytical measurement with emphasis on Health and Safety.

  • Environmental Maths and Computer Skills

    Credits: 5

    The aim of this module is to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and analyse data that they will encounter in their future environmental careers. It will also give them the computing skills needed to manipulate and present data and reports.

  • Family Farming in Ireland

    Credits: 5

    This module will give an overview of the history of family farming in Ireland, up to current times. It will look at the challenges of the modern family farm, including topics such as succession, contribution of farming to rural communities, isolation on farms and resilience of farmers. Evaluate what sustainable development of the family farm may look like in the future and how they will continue to contribute to Rural Irish communities. This module will have a strong social sustainably focus.

  • Forestry

    Credits: 5

    This Module is an introduction to forestry and woodlands across Ireland and the world. Students will develop the ability to identify trees along with the terminology associated with forestry management. They will understand the characteristics of the major forest biomes, the history of forests and forestry development in Ireland, the pattern of tree growth and forest husbandry techniques. The relevance of forests and trees in the global carbon cycle and their contribution to Ireland’s wider landscape and biodiversity.

  • Tillage Crop Husbandry

    Credits: 5

    This module will equip the leaner with the knowledge and skills of crop husbandry by exploring combinable crop production, describing different production methods, identify key performance indicators, use standard terminology to describe different growth stages of crops. Identify key weeds, pests and diseases and describe appropriate control methods including the safe use of plant protection products.

  • Soils And Peatland

    Credits: 5

    This module covers the basics of Soil science, Soil Functions, Soil Components, Soil Structure, Soil Biology, Soil Water, Soils of Ireland with a particular focus on Peatland soils. Students will develop the skills to describe and assess soils.

  • Biology And Botany

    Credits: 5

    The aim of this module is to provide learners with an appreciation of the diversity of living organisms and their importance in providing ecosystem services.  The module provides basic scientific knowledge in biology and botany, focused on application to agriculture and environmental management.  It begins the development of botanical field skills.  The module is complimented by the practical work in the Introduction to Laboratory Practice and Measurement / Applied Environmental Science modules.

  • Animal Production

    Credits: 5

    The purpose of this module is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to carry out tasks associated with the main production enterprises- dairy, beef, sheep, poultry.

  • Farm Safety & Risk Assessment

    Credits: 5

    To equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to recognise and control farm hazards and to carry out a risk assessment and farm safety statement.

  • Dairy Production Management

    Credits: 5

    The purpose of this module is to equip the learner with knowledge and awareness of the dairy sector and to have the competence and skills associated with a dairy herd management in accordance with best practice and relevant legislation.

  • Farm Business

    Credits: 5

    Farm Business 1 Introduces the students to: Farm Management accounts, how to complete farm accounts and understand the terminology around farm accounts; Concept of budgeting and how to use it in a farming business; Understanding contracts and the surrounding law in agriculture, using examples of collaborate farming arrangements such as Sharemilking, contract heifer rearing and farm partnerships; Succession planning for the family farm and dealing with the associated taxation implications.

  • Beef And Sheep Production

    Credits: 5

    This module will help equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to manage a beef herd and sheep flock in accordance with best practice and relevant legislation.

  • Tillage Crop Management

    Credits: 5

    The purpose of this module is to equip the learner with the knowledge, and skill to purpose management approaches for a range of tillage crops. Explore the impact of tillage crop production on a farms biodiversity and soil quality. Describe the use of technology and how data analysis can be used to improve/inform tillage crop management.

  • Animal Welfare, Behaviour And Quality Assurance Standards

    Credits: 5

    This module introduces learners to the importance of animal welfare and behaviour to a sustainable production system. It covers all production systems. It will also highlight the quality assurance standards that are in place that are designed to ensure that welfare and behaviour are a priority as well as high production standards. It will discuss Ireland’s pioneering food and drink sustainability programme, Origin Green, the benefits of such a programme for learners and their families and how it ultimately contributes to sustainable livelihoods.

  • Animal Breeding Strategies

    Credits: 5

    Overview of the basics of animal breeding, using genomics and performance recorded data to select appropriate genetic traits. How technology and environmental factors can alter breeding progress to create a more sustainable animal capable of producing the same or more using with minimum impact on the environment.

  • Farm Biodiversity Skills

    Credits: 5

    This module develops skills in biodiversity monitoring and practical management, focused on application to farms.

  • Environment & Sustainable Development

    Credits: 5

    The module will review the current state of the environment at global and Irish levels and identify the major areas of concern which have arisen due to the impact of human activity. The complex relationships between the environment and society will also be explored, while approaches for sustainable development principles to be put into practice in order to address major areas of environmental concern will be identified.

  • Ecology

    Credits: 5

    The aim of this module is to provide students with the opportunity to understand the key concepts and principles of ecology and biological evolution while identifying the role of ecology in conservation management.

  • Farm Habitat Assessment

    Credits: 5

    This module introduces learners to habitat description, classification, mapping, assessment and management. The standard scheme for habitat classification in Ireland (Fossitt, 2000) is used. The focus is on the habitat types commonly encountered on farms. The value of different habitat types for biodiversity is assessed. Options for the management of different habitat types are examined.

  • The Irish Agri-Food Sector

    Credits: 5

    The aim of this module is to provide an overview of the economic contribution of the Irish agri-food sector and the farming sectors on which they are based. The production of food, its distribution through the marketing chain, and the businesses and organisations that support the sector will be investigated. Relevant policy frameworks at national and EU level will be examined to identify expected industry trends.

  • Introduction To Geographic Information Systems & Surveying

    Credits: 5

    This module is aimed at introducing learners to the basic principles of Geographic Information Systems and of Surveying. The module will introduce learners to methods of accessing as well as mapping spatial data. The module will provide learners with opportunities to undertake surveys using basic surveying equipment and to digitize and map the survey outcomes.

  • Grassland Management & Nutrient Management Planning

    Credits: 5

    This module will cover the production of grass with special reference to doing so in an efficient and sustainable way. Students will learn how to use modern grassland management software and nutrient planning technologies. Students will gain an understanding of forage production systems and gain insights into new advances in grassland including more sustainable varieties, alternatives to chemical fertilisers such as clover and forage management. Student will also be exposed to alternative grazing techniques such as holistic grazing, which helps enhance biodiversity on farm.

  • Introduction To Environmental Impacts Of Agriculture

    Credits: 5

    The aim of this module is to allow students to characterise and explain the impacts of both primary agriculture and agribusiness on the environment, to include soil, climate, air and biodiversity. The module will provide students with a competence in practical lab work for environmental analysis.

  • Impacts Of Agriculture On Water Quality

    Credits: 5

    The aim of this module is to allow students to characterise and explain the impacts of both primary agriculture and agribusiness on water quality. The module will provide students with a competence in practical lab work for environmental analysis.

  • Farm Management And Planning

    Credits: 5

    Farm Management and Planning offers: A deeper knowledge of farm accounts, to include analysing farm accounts, benchmarking and identifying key performance indicators on farms; The ability to identify both financial and physical KPI’s. Student will learn how interpret these and how best to present them to and use them when communicating with a farmer.
    It will look at strategic planning on farms. How to understand and analyse expansion and diversification opportunities. How to assess the sustainability of these projects. How to access credit for agriculture. Knowledge of how the application process works and what lenders require. Human Resources in agriculture, how to employ and develop people, employment law, rostering and time management. Support services to assist farmers in this area.

  • Professional Development

    Credits: 5

    The module builds on the Professional skills introduced in Year 1 and in this module students will develop their personal and professional skills to allow them to be effective in the workplace. The module introduces students to the concept of professionalism, ethical behaviour and customer service skills. The module covers job search, cv preparation and interview skills for students and maintaining an on-line presence for long term development. This module will provide guidance for the Placement experience which students are undertaking after this semester.

  • Geographic Information Systems & Environmental Resources

    Credits: 5

    This module is aimed at providing learners with the ability to use a variety of relevant Geographic Information System packages as a means of undertaking detailed environmental analysis.

  • Work Placement

    Credits: 30

    This module involves the learner undertaking a work placement of at least 500 hours with an TUS approved company or organisation. The learner will gain valuable work experience in the agricultural or environmental sector. Likely placements will be in private and public sector, including environmental consultancy companies, conservation agencies and the agri-food sector and Government organisations such as the EPA, research bodies and state agencies etc.
    Learners will demonstrate that they have gained knowledge and acquired relevant skills during their work placement. Through a literature review, comprehensive report, logbook and presentation, learners will show that they have developed an understanding of their specific industry or organisation, enhanced their professional and technical skills and that they can relate these skills back to modules they have studied.

  • E.M.S. And Auditing

    Credits: 5

    This module engages learners with Environmental Management Systems and environmental auditing in organisational settings, with a focus on application in the agri-food sector including Bord Bia’s Origin Green programme. The context of the circular economy is considered as it relates to issues such as packaging and waste management. Consideration is given to the greenhouse gas emissions of organisations and the carbon footprint of products. The practical experience of TUS Thurles in achieving Green Flag status informs the module.

  • Environmental Monitoring & Assessment

    Credits: 5

    This module will enable students to apply monitoring, assessment and modelling processes to help address a wide range of agricultural and environmental challenges.

  • Economy & Sustainable Development

    Credits: 5

    This module assesses new approaches to economics which acknowledge the environmental constraints of a limited biosphere. It investigates the sustainable development planning and action cycle as a method for organisations to engage with the principles of ecological economics, while using case studies to explore sustainable development at the micro and macro levels.

  • Sustainable Ag Systems

    Credits: 5

    This module gives a broad overview of sustainability in agricultural systems. It will develop the students understanding of sustainable farming systems and their relationship to natural cycles. Students will identify problems with modern farming systems and evaluate those systems in relation to water use, minerals, carbon, energy use etc. The importance of soil management and biodiversity in farming system is also covered.

  • Agri-Environmental Policy & Key Issues

    Credits: 5

    Students will be equipped with the knowledge and skill on key environmental issues and policies that are currently in place and be able to effectively communicate that information with other professionals and primary producers in the sector.

  • Environment: Project Management Skills

    Credits: 5

    This module introduces students to key project management skills, it follows the structured project management cycle setting out to introduce students to project management: project goals, project lifecycle, and the role of project managers. It examines the key requirements for project management, managing human and financial resources, it examines risk management identification and management strategies.
    The module requires students to undertake an environmental sustainability project and follow the Planning, Scheduling and Monitoring and Evaluation steps for managing such projects. It uses project management software to create and track the project through its phases.

  • Extension And Innovation In Ag

    Credits: 5

    This module looks at the process of learning, behaviour changes as they relate to farm level decision-making, technology adoption and creation of innovation. The students will gain understanding around the social and psychological factors that affect how decision are made. The module will look at how values can influence a person learning, their attitude to innovation and behaviour change.
    This module will look at Agricultural extension services in Ireland. Key extension approaches used with farmers in order to create change and build capacity in farming communities. Students will development skills to enable them to support farmers to reflect, review and analyse their approaches to working with farmer groups and other group situations. Students will look at theoretical concepts relevant to peer learning; group dynamics, skills development and facilitation.

  • Carbon Management In Agriculture

    Credits: 5

    The aim of this module is to assess ways in which greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture can be stabilised and reduced.

  • Advanced Soil Science

    Credits: 5

    The aim of this module is to develop understanding of how the properties of soils influence approaches to their management, focusing on nutrients, soil structure, carbon and biodiversity.

  • Atmospheric Processes And Climate Change

    Credits: 5

    The aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of meteorological processes as well as the factors influencing climate. It will enable students to examine the causes and impacts of climate change and to undertake climate change modelling.

  • Agriculture Final Year Project

    Credits: 10

    The aim of this module is to enable students to complete a piece of primary research in their chosen topic.

What can you do after this programme?

Graduates can avail of employment opportunities in agriculture, agri-food and environmental management. Graduates are qualified for a wide range of roles such as agricultural advisors, farm auditors, environmental officers/scientists with agribusinesses, the public sector and NGOs, or as researchers and consultants.

Graduates of the programme will achieve ‘Trained Farmer Status’ (Green Cert) (provisional).

This course also meets Teaching Council requirements for Agricultural Science.

**To work as a Farm Advisor submitting plans and payment claims to the Department of Agriculture for farmer clients you must be on the Department’s Farm Advisory System (FAS) list of approved advisors.  Requirements for listing include a Level 8 degree in Agricultural Science and undertaking FAS training.**

Successful graduates of this programme are eligible for Level 9 and 10 postgraduate programmes within TUS or elsewhere.

Additional Information

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