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Location: Online
years: 1
Fees: €5,000
The Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Management has been designed to offer participants the opportunity to gain a detailed knowledge of the underpinning theory and effective practice of Financial Management which will be of particular benefit in a range of management and leadership roles as well as in specialised Financial Management roles.
This programme will be delivered through an innovative blended learning approach involving facilitated workshops and online virtual learning classes. It utilises highly participatory learning and teaching approaches with a significant degree of collaborative group work in the classroom setting.
The flexibility and agility of this programme, will allow students to specialise in a pathway most suited to their skills, career aspirations, and employer needs while undertaking core modules that will give them a broader insight into Financial Management.
General Queries
Flexible Learning Office
Telephone: (090) 6468119
Semester 1
Strategic Management and Leadership
Interpretation of Financial Statements
Financial Performance Management
Semester 2
Financial Strategy and Risk Management
Research Methods
Applied Case Studies Capstone Project
Module 1: Strategic Management and Leadership
Module Aim
Strategic Management concerns the positioning of an organisation in order to gain a competitive advantage. The module will focus on strategy as a link between the organisation and its internal capabilities, as well as meeting the complexities of the external environment. The module will demonstrate to the learner how to make and implement key strategic decisions.The successful implementation of effective strategies requires leadership. The module will explore the critical role of leadership in strategy formulation and implementation, organisational development and organisational growth. It will analyse how leaders behave and develop, how different leaders deploy different leadership styles and their effectiveness in differing contexts.
Learning Outcomes
Module 2: Interpretation of Financial Statements
Module Aim
The module aims to develop the ability to understand, analyse and use financial information as part of strategic planning and implementation process within an organisation. The student will develop an awareness of issues in financial reporting and corporate finance, as well as developing a strong foundation for further study. The module will provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to evaluate business situations from a financial viewpoint, and to enable them to play a key role in financial decisionmaking and control at an executive level within an organisation.
Learning Outcomes
Module 3: Financial Performance Management
Module Aim
The module will introduce the concepts, theories and techniques associated with managing the financial performance of an organisation. The module will explore financial performance management techniques, working capital management, investment appraisal decision making, financing options and integrating financial management into the strategy of an organisation.
Learning Outcomes
Module 4: Financial Strategy and Risk Management
Module Aim
The module aims to provide students with a comprehensive appreciation of the theoretical framework and analytical techniques of financial strategy, and of the application of financial theory to strategic financial decision-making.The module will explore the management of financial risk and the application of risk management techniques in international trade
Learning Outcomes
Module 5: Research Methods
Module Aim
This module aims to introduce participants to the key concepts involved in research. The material covered in this module will form the basis for the research dissertation element of the programme while also developing a framework of research and analysis for participants to approach research in their work environment by equipping learners to critically explore the development and completion of applied research methodologies using structured, responsible tools and actions while imbuing learners with work-ready skills for industrial practice.
Learning Outcomes
Module 6: Applied Case Studies Capstone Project
Module Aim
This module affords students the opportunity to implement the core skills learnt in the taught modules. Students will be required to make a proposal and it will form the basis of an applied project that will demonstrate the ability to engage as a skilled practitioner in their discipline. The aim of the module is to encourage learners to develop integrative learning, independent thought and critical reflection skills as they bring together a range of concepts, theories, frameworks and practices. They will also be expected to practice competences developed within other modules.
Learning Outcomes
This programme will be delivered primarily online.
This programme is designed to offer participants the opportunity to gain a detailed knowledge of the underpinning theory and effective practice of Financial Management which will be of particular benefit in a range of management and leadership roles as well as in specialized Financial Management roles.
Graduates of this programme choose often specalise in industries such as Banking, Insurance, Investments, Real-estate, Healthcare and Law. Others choose Financial Management careers in non-profit organisations or Government agencies.
The aim of the Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Management is to provide an educational experience that enables participants to achieve an integrated understanding of the operation and strategy of Financial Management, and to develop appropriate intellectual and personal skills.
Specifically the programme is designed to offer participants the opportunity to gain a detailed knowledge of the underpinning theory and effective practice of Financial Management which will be of particular benefit in a range of management and leadership roles as well as in specialized Financial Management roles.
After successfully completing the programme, participants will have demonstrated the competencies necessary to:
• Adopt analytical, systematic approaches toward problem solving and decision making, while simultaneously displaying an appropriate awareness and understanding of the sensitivities involved in the context of organisational dynamics;
• Demonstrate personal qualities of empathy, leadership, teamworking;
• Manage their own learning and development, and evaluate their own experience through a reflective approach towards the impact of the programme on their lives;
• Be catalysts of change within their employing organisations, as a result of the adoption of creative and innovative approaches to opportunities and threats.
Three evenings per week Online
PLUS occasional occasional Saturdays Online
Lectures will be delivered live online, and recordings of lectures will be available to view in the student’s own time.