This is a module using the Java programming language which is aimed at preparing the students for the Oracle Certified Associate exam
(which since Java SE7, is a precursor to the Oracle Certified Professional exam). Students with OCA certification can go through the RPL
process. The methodology will be to cover the syntax and theory in a lecture, with practical coding reinforcing the theory.
Initially, Java basics are covered : structure of a Java class, variables, data types, operators, scope, methods, selection constructs and
iteration constructs. This leads onto principles of Object Oriented Programming: constructors, classes/objects, instance/class variables, static
keyword, encapsulation and access specifiers. Inheritance is also detailed: polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces. Storage facilities
such as arrays and ArrayLists are covered next. The Java API regarding String, StringBuilder, Java 8 date/time package and an introduction
to Lambda expressions are then covered. In addition, design techniques such as inner classes and enumerated types are covered. Lastly,
exception handling is covered.