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Certificate in High Voltage Electrical Systems

  • Status: Applications Open Now – Deadline 31st August

  • Location: Moylish, Limerick City

  • years: 1

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Course Overview

This is a Level 6 Certificate in High Voltage Electrical Systems designed to upskill electricians and electrical engineers in the specialist area of High Voltage. This is a part-time blended learning programme that utilises a work-based model similar to apprenticeship programmes. The 60 credits are delivered via technical modules during the academic year with an Industrial learning portfolio that runs over the summer months and the semester. The programme is delivered onsite one day per week over two semesters with some online learning each week to support the modules. One semester is delivered by TUS and the other by SETU.

The aim is to provide a specialist educational programme in high voltage electrical systems to industry practitioners that enhances safe working practices, increases technological competences and supports the industry employers in authorising their employees to install, operate and maintain high voltage electrical systems.

Contact Details

Programme Leader

Tony Mahon:

Entry Requirements

Candidates for this programme must be:

  1. An electrical employee of a company in the High Voltage sector who will be assigned to projects in the HV sector to enable the student to fulfil the Industry Portfolio modules.


  1. At a minimum, a holder of the following academic and professional qualifications/experience;

Advanced Craft Certificate in Electrical (or equivalent) and a minimum of 1 year verified, relevant experience in an Industrial Electrical Environment.


Level 7 Ordinary Degree in Engineering in Electrical Engineering (or equivalent) and a minimum of 1 year verified relevant experience in an Industrial Electrical Environment.


  • AC Electrical Theory

    Credits: 5

    This module provides a review of the theory and principles of AC Electrical Theory and Circuits. Learners will cover an introduction to three phase circuits, balanced and unbalanced loads and a basic introduction to power factor correction and fault calculations.

  • High Voltage Power Grid and Infrastructure

    Credits: 5

    This module provides an overview of the transmission & distribution networks of a typical electrical supply system. Learners are introduced to the main elements of electrical infrastructure and cover the selection and testing of cables used in HV electrical installations. An overview of the electricity supply market DSO/TSO, meter, tariffs is provided. Distributed generation will also be discussed.

  • High Voltage Safety Compliance

    Credits: 5

    This module introduces the learner to the various Health & Safety Requirements for Electrical Personnel working on and planning works on HV Electrical Installations. Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act is covered where learners explore the importance of the Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP), Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS), the roles of “Authorised Person” and “Senior Authorised Person” as well as the process of preparing RAMS (Risk Assessment, Method Statements).

  • Substation Design and Layout

    Credits: 5

    This module provides an overview of the design and layout of a typical High Voltage (HV) substation. The key elements of a substation will be reviewed and the common configurations and layout will be covered. Earthing of substations and calculations of step and touch distances will also be covered. Maintenance and safety procedures and the range of technical studies required for the safe deign of a substation will also be reviewed.

  • Industrial Portfolio 1

    Credits: 10

    This module promotes reflection in relation to the learner’s own learning in line with their personal, professional and/or academic interest/needs. The learner demonstrates evaluation and analysis of their own learning and takes the initiative on this evaluation and demonstration. Learners are supported in the development of competencies in High Voltage Electrical systems by utilising a portfolio approach to capture the application of technical learning to a range of industry tasks. Learners will demonstrate a comprehensive range of specialist HV skills and tools as examples of evidence and complete activities to facilitate an understanding of the HV related processes involved in thinking more critically. This module will have a specific set of activities linked to the technical learning of the following modules in Semester 1: High Voltage Safety Compliance AC Electrical Theory Substation Design & Layout High Voltage Power Grid & Infrastructure.

  • High Voltage Electrical Protection Systems

    Credits: 5

    This module provides an overview of the Qualities Required of Protection, Components of Protective Schemes, Protection Systems, Distance Protection, Unit Protection Schemes, Generator Protection, Transformer Protection, Feeder Protection, System Monitoring and Control, System Security and Emergency Control. Learners are introduced to fundamental requirements of Protective Relaying, Basic Relays, Electromagnetic Attraction Relays, Induction Relays, Relay timing, Important terms, Time P.S.M. curve, Calculation of relay operating time the main elements of protection systems, Basic Relay operation and design, timing, specification. Practical application in setting up and testing of Overcurrent and Earth Fault. An overview of instrumentations transformers, discrimination, protection functions (ANSI Codes) control, Interlocking, and logic will also be discussed.

  • High Voltage Safe Working Systems

    Credits: 5

    This module develops the learners¿ knowledge of the various Health & Safety Requirements for
    Electrical Personnel working on and planning works on HV Electrical Installations. The learner explores EN 61936 and IS EN 50110, the Safety requirements when working on installations with voltages exceeding 1,000 volts and the steps involved in developing a Safe Switching Plan. Learners explore the particular dangers and risks when working in MV/ HV environments and examine how to develop a safe switching plan and lock out/tag out procedures.

  • High Voltage Switchgear

    Credits: 5

    The High Voltage (HV) Switchgear module develops a thorough understanding of switchgear requirements for the HV electrical power system. It includes the design, selection, installation and
    testing of switchgear.

  • Transformer Theory & Practice

    Credits: 5

    The Transformer Theory and Practice module develops a knowledge of the modern theory and practice of transformers. The module provides the learner with knowledge of the types, sizing, characteristics, applications and control of transformers in industrial networks and plant.

  • Industrial Portfolio 2

    Credits: 10

    This module advances the reflection in relation to the learner’s own learning in line with their personal, professional and/or academic interest/needs in High Voltage Electrical. Learners are supported in advancing competencies in High Voltage Electrical systems by utilising a portfolio approach to capture the application of technical learning to a range of industry tasks. Learners will advance the comprehensive range of specialist HV skills and tools as examples of evidence and complete activities to facilitate an understanding of the HV related processes involved in thinking more critically. This module will have a specific set of activities linked to the technical learning of the following modules in Semester 2. High Voltage Safe Working Systems High Voltage Protection Systems Transformer Theory & Practice High Voltage Switchgear.

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