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Graphic Design Communication – BA (Hons)

  • CAO Points: N/A

  • Location: Clare Street, Limerick City

  • years: 3

Course Overview

This well-established course gives students the opportunity to work creatively in the field of graphic design, by being open to new ideas; developing an ability to problem solve; and being involved in the many commercial, cultural, political, and social contexts through both traditional, new, and emerging graphic design practices. The course offers a high level of experiential learning through studio-based projects, assignments, workshops, and online activities, which are delivered by a dedicated team that is constantly informed by the changing nature of graphic design practice. One of the course’s key features is that students have the opportunity to undertake Work Placement, Practice or International Exchange in Year Three. As a result of this initiative, students have been successfully placed in Ireland, Europe, Asia and South America. On completion, graduates from the course are highly sought after and recognised for their transferable skills as professional graphic designers in areas such as brand identity, experience design, digital product design, UX/UI design, typographic design, design for screen/web, motion design, film/TV production, illustration, packaging, advertising, and systems/ service design. The course actively encourages a broadening of skills on intellectual, creative, and practical levels in order to become a designer of the future.

Contact Details

Eamon Spelman


What are the entry requirements?

Entry into Graphic Design Communication is by competition and selection during US800 First Year Art & Design (Common Entry).

Mature Applicants

Candidates applying as mature applicants may be required to attend an interview and may be requested to take an aptitude test to prove their suitability for a place on this programme.

International Applicants

International applicants should apply directly to the International Office at TUS, allowing plenty of time for completing the visa process. Applications for September start should be made by 1st June at the latest to ensure visas are processed in time. You should familiarise yourself with visa processing times for your country of origin to ensure you make a timely application. Find out more here.

Course Modules

  • This year is a broad expansion of the basic principles learned in the latter part of Year One and is an opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills along with greater awareness of the design process through projects for visual identity, editorial, advertising and UX/UI design. Subjects in this year are: Design Communications, Typography, Graphic Design Production, Lens Based Media, Professional Practice and Critical & Contextual Studies.

  • This year is essentially commercially biased; where the student gains direct hands-on experience through related project work in areas such as packaging, motion design, packaging and advertising strategies. The work placement initiative is an opportunity to experience a real working situation in the context of graphic design. Subjects in this year are: Design Communications, Typography, Graphic Design Production, Lens Based Media, Professional Practice and Critical & Contextual Studies.

  • The final year establishes a professional approach to studio work in preparation for industry. While there are set projects throughout, this year is largely self-initiated and culminates with a major exhibition. Subjects in this year are: Design Communications, Typography, Graphic Design Production, Lens Based Media, Professional Practice and Critical & Contextual Studies.

What can you do after this programme?

Graduates of this course have worked in the following areas:

  • Graphic Design
  • Advertising
  • Packaging Design
  • Typographic Design
  • Illustration
  • Design for Screen
  • UX/UI and Web Design

Successful graduates of this programme are eligible for Level 9 and 10 postgraduate programmes within the institute or elsewhere.