TUS Employability+ Award
Register NowTUS is renowned for producing work-ready graduates with the practical skills and competencies to thrive in their careers.
The TUS Employability Plus Award is an initiative aimed at recognising the personal and professional development a student gains from their involvement in employability activities.
The TUS Employability Award aims to:
- Enhance student employability and build confidence in students as they enter the world of work.
- Encourage participants to focus on developing the skills needed to stand out in the employer selection process for internships, placements and graduate roles.
- Acknowledge the many extra-curricular activities students are engaging in to prepare for their career journey.
- provide an excellent addition to their CV & ensure they can stand out from the crowd
Structure of the Award
Participants will be invited to engage in self-assessment, network with employers, attend employability skills workshops and complete work experience to win the award. Students will also be asked to reflect on their experience and learning.
To be successful, six key areas must be evidenced:
- Explore – Completion of online self-assessments
- Attendance employer events and Careers & Employability skills workshops/CV Review Clinics.
- Attend a mock interview
- Register your Work / Voluntary Activities (minimum of 40 hours)
- Production and submission of a CV
- Attendance at a Career Planning appointment
- Submission of a final reflection (300 words)
The award can be completed between September and May. Any Careers & Employability Service Events or Employer Events you have attended to date in this academic year will count towards the award.
Benefits of the Awards
- A President’s commendation award
- Enhances student employability and builds confidence
- Ensures your CV will stand out from the crowd
- Acknowledges activities and learning already taking place
- Encourage students to engage with their career development.
- Offers students the opportunity to engage with employers.
- Ensures you have an impressive achievement for applications & interviews
- A One4All Voucher
The Award/Commendation
Successful participants will be invited to participate in an awards ceremony where they will be recognised by the President of the Institute.
Previous Award Recipient Comments
“The Employability Award has really allowed me to explore what I want from my course and my career”.
“The award has provided me with knowledge and has opened up possibilities and opportunities that I otherwise wouldn’t have known were there for me”
“I have learned so much about myself, about certain jobs, and workplaces and what to expect, as well as learning valuable information and tips that will help me to secure my dream job in the future”.