Admissions & Support
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Admissions & Support
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Professional Services
Forms may be stamped by your Faculty Office, you need to complete online registration before staff can stamp your form. Please quote your student ID on all correspondence.
Faculty Offices:
Limerick School of Art & Design (LSAD)
Applied Social Science
Applied Science
Information Technology
Engineering & the Built Environment
Business & Humanities
Letters of attendance/ registration are issued by Faculty office, you need to complete online registration before staff can issue you a letter. Please quote your student ID on all correspondence
Faculty Offices:
Limerick School of Art & Design (LSAD)
Applied Social Science
Applied Science
Information Technology
Engineering & the Built Environment
Business & Humanities
Login to your College Microsoft 365 My Apps ( account using the following credentials:
USERNAME: K*******
PASSWORD: Your student email password is your date of birth in the format DDMMYYYY (example 01012000).
You will be promoted to change password after initial login.
Please follow the instructions on screen. You will then be redirected to the TUS My Apps dashboard
Once you have become a registered student of TUS, you can collect your Student ID Card at the Admissions office
If you lose your Student ID Card, please contact Replacement cards are available from the Admissions Office. A replacement fee of €10 applies.
Loss of access to IT systems and to Moodle generally ensues when a student has outstanding fees. TUS will have communicated with the student prior to the loss of IT facilities and will make every effort to accommodate the student in the payment process. In exceptional circumstances, there may be a technical error accounting for the loss of IT services, and in this instance, every effort will be made to restore facilities at the earliest opportunity.