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Deferred Entry – Athlone

TUS Midlands Midwest (Athlone Campus) will consider requests from applicants who, having successfully gained a place, and for whom a change in circumstances means that they can no longer proceed with their studies in the current academic year.

Granting of a deferral is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the university. Deferrals are conditional on the programme continuing in subsequent years. Once granted, a deferral is valid for one year only, and only for the course deferred. If for any reason the deferred course is discontinued, the applicant will not automatically be entitled to a place on any other course.

TUS will not allow an applicant to hold either

• More than one deferral, or

• A deferral and an acceptance in any one year

Deferring a Place on a First Year Programme

On receipt of the CAO offer

• Do not accept the offer in the manner shown on the Offer Notice. Do not make any payment.

• Write/email immediately to the Admissions Office at TUS Midlands Midwest (Athlone Campus) at setting out the reason(s) for the request. (All communications about deferral must go to the Admissions Office and not to the CAO).

• The letter/email must arrive in the Admissions Office at least two days before the ‘reply date’ shown on the offer notice. Please ensure that the top left-hand corner of the envelope/subject line of the email is clearly marked with the word “deferral”.

• TUS will communicate its decision to the applicant.

• In order to take up the deferred place, the applicant must re-apply to the CAO by 1 February in the succeeding year, placing the deferred course as the first and ONLY preference.

Deferring a Place on Years 2, 3, or 4

A learner who wishes to defer their place on a non-First Year programme, must seek the approval of the university. Granting of the deferral is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the university. Deferrals are conditional on the programme continuing in subsequent years.

On receipt of the offer of the place

• Apply for a deferral by following this link: Deferral Application Form Academic Year 2024/2025

• You will be notified of the decision in writing/email.

• If granted a deferral, you will be required to contact the Admissions Office in writing/email on or before 1 June in the succeeding year, confirming your intention to take up the deferred place.

• Failure to confirm your intention to return will result in the cancellation of the deferred place on your chosen programme of study.

Deferring Semester 2

A learner who wishes to change his/her enrolment status may apply to do so at the times and in the manner specified by the university. A learner who wishes to defer their place on Semester 2 of a programme, must seek the approval of the university. Granting of the deferral is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the university. Deferrals are conditional on the programme continuing in subsequent years.

To apply for a Semester 2 deferral, in advance of the commencement of Teaching Week 1, Semester 2:

• Complete the application form by following this link: Deferral Application Form Academic Year 2024/2025

• Following consultation with the relevant Faculty, the learner will be notified of the decision in writing/email.

If granted a deferral:

• The learner will be required to contact the Admissions Office in writing/email on or before the final teaching day of Semester 1 in the succeeding year, confirming their intention to take up the deferred place.

• It is the responsibility of the learner to liaise with any grant awarding authority to maintain and secure funding for the deferred semester.

• Failure to confirm your intention to return will result in the cancellation of the deferred place.

The above criteria apply under the following conditions, subject to review by the Registry Manager:

• There are no year-long modules pertaining to the programme of study

• The student is in good academic standing after Semester 1

• The student is in good financial standing for Semester 1 of the academic year in which the deferral is sought