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Flexible Learning FAQs – Midwest

What is Flexible Learning?

The Flexible Learning Department in TUS provides training, continued professional development and education programmes to individuals and for industry.

Our programmes range from Level 6, right up to Masters Level 9. These programmes are part-time, flexible and suitable for professional development to upskill and enhance your career prospects. The majority of these part-time programmes are delivered online to facilitate workers and participants with family commitments.

The Department of Flexible Learning works in partnership with industry and employers in the Mid-West region to identify skills needs and areas for educational development. To date we have collaborated with some of the leading companies in the Mid-West to deliver tailored upskilling programmes to suit their employee’s needs. These programmes can range from short term Special Purpose Awards, to address a specific skill need, to longer-term programmes. Delivery methods are flexible in nature and can be a combination of online, on-site, day release, evening classes or weekend workshops.

To discuss how your organisation can collaborate with the Department of Flexible Learning, please contact:

Head of Flexible Learning

Dr. Órlaith Borthwick



t: +353 61 293802

Academic Information

A Major Award is normally a Higher Certificate (120 Credits), Ordinary Degree (180 Credits) or Honours Degree Programme (240 Credits).

A Minor Award is an award which provides recognition for learners who achieve a range of learning outcomes, but not the specific combination or volume of learning outcomes required for a major award.

A Special Purpose Award (SPA) is a standalone award and has a distinct identity which reflects its clearly defined purpose.  A SPA will always be smaller than a Major Award in terms of total number of credits and duration. A SPA  can range on a scale from Level 6 to 8 and between 10 and 40 credits.

The Level of your award links to the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).  This is a nationally agreed framework which allows education providers to match the level of their academic programme with the demands of the qualification.  For example the Level 5 Certificate is a Level 5 award.  The Level also reflects the amount of independent work and analysis that you are expected to do with this increasing as you move up the various levels.

Details of the NFQ can be found at NFQ

Normally you can consider that a programme/module at:

  • Level 6 will have content and being delivered in a way which is similar to that in a first or second year of a 4 year degree programme
  • Level 7 will have content and being delivered in a way which is similar to that in third year of a 4 year degree programme
  • Level 8 will have content and being delivered in a way which is similar to that of a final year of a 4 year degree programme

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) was developed in line with the Bologna Accord.  This allows for your credits gained in an Irish HEI to be recognised throughout the world. In TUS we normally have 5 Credit or 10 Credit modules.

See ECTS EU for further details.

A module is a particular unit of study on a particular topic e.g. Maths or Web Development 1.  Each module has a number of credits and a defined schedule for delivery.  A programme is made up of one or more modules and a student completes the individual modules to complete a programme e.g Higher Diploma in Business Management or Certificate in Near Zero Energy Buildings.  The award is what the student receives having completed their full programme of study e.g. Pass or Distinction.

TUS is an approved City & Guilds center.  TUS provides the modules, completes the majority of assessments and facilitates examinations.  Exams are set by City & Guilds and held on the TUS Campus.  On successfu completion, students receive a City & Guilds award. Credits from these programmes can be used to apply for a entrance onto some programmes in TUS or other Higher Education Institutes.

Full details on the City & Guilds programmes are available at City & Guilds

Application and Registration

There are no discounts available on programme fees in general.  If you receive funding from a particular agency, your employer or via a funding programme e.g. Springboard this is normally termed as being Sponsored.  The Flexible Learning Department will arrange with you and the Sponsor in relation to payment of fees. Some programmes are approved for Springboard funding or sometimes other forms of funding through Skillnet groups. If a course is approved for funding this will be stated on the Fees Section of the course website page.

Review the programme page and click the Apply Now button to submit your online application.

If your course dates are not yet set on our site make sure to register your interest by clicking on the Register Interest button and completing a short form. You will then receive an email alert when your chosen programme opens for online applications.

Finance and Funding

Tax relief is available at the standard rate of income tax for tuition fees paid by or on behalf of students who attend an approved programme of study which must be at least two years in duration. Further information and an application form for tax relief on tuition fees is available from the Revenue Commissioners website, A receipt for fees paid must accompany the completed application form.

Students are advised to review or contact the Dept. of Social Protection or Local Employment Services who may be able to provide assistance. Some programmes are approved for Springboard funding or sometimes other forms of funding through Skillnet groups. If a course is approved for funding this will be stated on the fees section of the course website page.

The fees for each programme are listed on the Fees Section of each website page.

Online/Blended Learning Programmes

Online content normally includes a mixture on recorded lectures, online resources for review by the student, online discussion forums and other collaborative means which allow for student interaction.  Some programmes may include live webinars where both the lecturer and students engage in live, synchronous discussions and exchanges.

An online programme normally has over 80% of the content delivered fully online and there is limited actual ‘class time’ where students meet each other, and their lecturer(s) in person.  Blended programmes can have between 20-80% of the content delivered on-line with the remaining involving either lectures/practical/tutorials delivered at one of TUS’s campuses.

If you are doing an online/blended learning programme you will need regular access to a computer/laptop which has the following:

  • Operating System (Windows or Mac) which includes programmes such as MS Word and MS Excel (or similar)
  • Robust internet connection. Ideally this should be a broadband connection which will facilitate downloading content, viewing of video e.g. on YouTube or within the VLE, and uploading of documents (assignments) to the VLE
  • Headphones or high quality speakers which can be used to listen to recorded content (lecturers etc.)

Other optional requirements may include:

  • Access to a webcam which may be used for live webinars
  • Has the capacity to have other relevant software installed which may be indicated as being relevant by the lecturer.
  • Printer to print relevant materials

Recognition of Prior Learning

The purpose of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is to enable prospective and current students to consider their prior learning as a valuable mechanism to facilitate access to further education opportunities and progression. RPL is based around the prior learning of a prospective or current student and this may be formal learning (i.e. certified/accredited learning) or non-formal learning or informal learning. Both non-formal and informal learning are sometimes referred to as experiential learning, which is learning that occurs through the workplace or through experience and outside of formal education systems.

See Recognition of Prior Learning – TUS for further details.

Study and Workload

If you are studying online/blended learning programmes is a computer absolutely necessary.  Most programmes do provide notes via the Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle) and you will be required to submit assignments and assessments in electronic format.  Access to a computer would be beneficial for most programmes.

Normally a 5 credit module equates to 100 Total Learning Hours.  Total Learning Hours includes the time you spend in class (lectures, tutorials, practicals) and the time you spend completing work outside of college.  So if you have 3 hrs per week of class time for a module you should plan to spend at least another 4 hours per week doing your own study.

You should bear in mind that the workload will increase at particular times e.g. when assignments are due.

Lectures normally involve the lecturer providing information to you in various formats (presentation, reviewing book chapters etc.) and there can be limited interaction/discussion on the topic.

Tutorials are used to explore topics in a more interactive way.  This may include problem solving, reviewing particular formulae, discussions on particular topics etc.

Practicals are normally in a lab environment (computer, science, engineering etc.) are involve demonstration of a technology/software/method and allow for students to learn new skills and competences.

Students can access the TUS Library and resources once registered as a student.