The Clonmel and Thurles campuses of TUS are very proud to have been awarded Green Flags in November 2021. A Green-Campus committee, consisting of an enthusiastic group of students and staff, is leading the on-going maintenance of our Green Flag status. Participation is open to any student or staff member with an interest in the work of the committee.
Green Charter
A revised Green Charter for TUS Clonmel and Thurles was signed by Professor Vincent Cunnane, President of TUS, in October 2024 at a meeting of the University Sustainability Committee. The 2024 charter updates targets for waste management and adds a new section on biodiversity. The Charter emphasises the importance that the Green-Campus committee places on the process of conducting its work.
Student Lead Success
The involvement of students from a diverse range of courses and the support of the Students’ Union have been key to the success of the initiative to date. The committee works closely with our canteen, cleaning and waste collection contractors, whose co-operation is much appreciated. Many of our achievements to date have been linked to the curriculum, providing students with real-world learning experiences as part of course assessments. You can find out more on the links below.
The Green-Campus work in Clonmel and Thurles focused initially on the theme of waste and litter, following the selection of that issue as top priority in a referendum of students and staff. A key achievement was the construction and installation of a new waste separation area in the Thurles canteen which has received considerable praise. Another highlight has been the student-organised Green Weeks, with fun events in Thurles and Clonmel.
The TUS Clonmel and Thurles Green Charter on waste and litter set targets and provides guidance for waste and litter management. The approach to waste management is guided by the EU waste management hierarchy of prevention including reuse, recycling and composting, energy recovery, and disposal. Waste collection points are provided in the canteens and through the public areas and offices of the Clonmel and Thurles campuses. Students and staff are asked to take responsibility for bringing their own waste with them out of a classroom or computer lab and depositing it in the appropriate bin (Recycle, Organic or General). People are asked to ensure that bottles, cans and cups are empty before placing in the correct bin (to assist the work of our cleaning staff and to allow recycling). Further information is included in the student induction video.
Performance regarding waste management is monitored by analysing the data in monthly waste bills. The graph below shows the waste production in tonnes per month for TUS Clonmel and Thurles for the last six academic years. The recycling rate for 2023-2024 across both campuses was 46%, with the remaining waste sent for energy recovery.
Work on the theme of biodiversity is now underway, availing of the rich resource of habitats and wildlife on our Tipperary campuses. Additional trees have been planted by students over the years on the Thurles campus. We are working with our Estates Department on grass-cutting schedules and grounds management to respond to recommendations of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. Mitigation measures for planned future developments on the Thurles campus are being considered. The Clonmel campus has a lovely new pathway around the grounds allowing students and staff to enjoy nature outdoors.
Getting Involved
If you want to get recent updates on the work of the TUS Clonmel and Thurles committee, check out our social media:
More detailed information such as the minutes of committee meetings, our Action Plan and environmental reports are available to TUS students and staff on Moodle. The committee secretary can be contacted at An invitation to upcoming meetings is sent to all TUS students and staff – all are welcome.
Thurles Energy and Water Usage
Below you can find real time information about TUS Thurles Campus’ Electricty and Water Usage.