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Course Search

Laurence Leonard


Department of Nursing and Healthcare

Dr Leonard is Lecturer and Programme Co-ordinator Advanced Health Assessment Course

and Editorial Panel/ Reviewer Journal of Perioperative Practice: Sage Journals (

His Educational Qualifications include:

Educational Doctorate, School of Education, Kingston University, London

Msc in Health Sciences, St George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London.

Post Graduate Diploma Public Health (with Merit), Staffordshire University, UK.

Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, Kingston University, Surrey, UK.

Registered Nurses, St Georges, College of Nursing, London

Diploma in Theology, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Ireland

Diploma in Philosophy, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Ireland

Publications include:

Leonard, L. (2022) Initial findings of an Interpretive Phenomenological study of undergraduate nursing students’ navigation of emotionally challenging experiences in health and social care practice. Poster Presentation Sigma 6th Biennial European Conference: Dublin

Mitchell, G., Leonard, L., Carter, G., Santin, O., & Brown Wilson, C. (2021). Evaluation of a ‘serious game’ on nursing student knowledge and uptake of influenza vaccination. PLoS One, 16(1), 1-13. [e0245389].

Leonard, L. (2020). An interpretive phenomenological study of undergraduate nursing students’ navigation of emotionally challenging experiences in professional practice placements. Paper accepted presentation 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

Leonard, L (2017) Emotional displays: Nurse Educators engaging and reflecting on their own emotional displays in preparing nursing students for the emotional complexities of nursing practice. Nurse Education in Practice, Vol. 26, 09, p. 21–26.

Traynor, M; Galanouli, D; Roberts, M; Leonard, L; Gale, T (2017). Identifying applicants suitable to a career in nursing: a value-based approach to undergraduate selection. In: Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 73, No. 6, p. 1443 -1454 Leonard, L; McCutcheon, K; Rogers, K. (2016). In touch to teach: Do nurse educators need to maintain or possess recent clinical practice to facilitate student learning? Nurse Education in Practice, Vol. 16, No. 1, p. 148-151.

Thompson, I; Lavelle, C; Leonard, L. (2016). An evaluation of the effectiveness of an algorithm intervention in reducing inappropriate faecal samples sent for Clostridium difficile testing. Journal of Infection Prevention, Vol. 17, No. 6, p. 278-286

Leonard, L. (2016) Continuing the fight in reducing the risk of surgical site infections in the perioperative environment. Journal of Perioperative Practice, Vol. Procurement Guide 05, No.02, p.6-11

Leonard L. (2015). The Heart of Infection Prevention. Journal of Perioperative Practice, Vol. 25, No. 5, p. 91.

Leonard L (2014) Handwashing: what is the solution? Journal of Perioperative Practice Procurement Guide Vol 3(2):p8-10

Sinnerton T., Leonard L and Rogers K (2014) Using Learning style preference to enhance the education and training of allied health Professionals. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, Vol 12(1)

Whittock, M and Leonard L (2003) Stepping outside the stereotype: A pilot study of the motivations and experiences of males in the nursing profession. Journal of Nursing Management, Vol 11: 242-249.