Be aware of how you will use time that would once have been taken up – try to find
ways to use it positively. Plan proactively to make the most of it.
– Don’t ignore your own basic needs – eat well, stay hydrated, get good sleep, get out in
the sunlight
– Look for the positives that you can find in this new stage – take your time, try not to
recreate your whole life in one go. That may be unsustainable, instead make one or two
changes and build on that
– Try to avoid making radical changes at home – it can be very tempting but not be
helpful to your student and you may regret them
– Communicate with your partner or friends; talk about how you are feeling, share your
worries, process the change/loss
– Readjust your identity as parent/guardian: As you play a new role in your student’s life
it is import to readjust your identity as a parent/guardian. The goal is to develop an
adult–to–adult aspect of the parent child relationship. Children always need
parents/guardians but the relationship may become more peer like. Accepting that
adult children want more privacy in certain areas of their lives is part of the process