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TUS Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026

Connecting and Creating

TUS Statement of Strategy

Our Values

We embrace diversity as a key strength where everyone is included and has an equal opportunity to progress and achieve.

We care about our people and their well-being, and we maintain a student-centred ethos in all we do.

We set high standards and are courageous in our actions to deliver impact and achieve our potential.

We are forward-looking and encourage creativity and exploration that fosters unique ideas and inspires transformative change.

We are thought leaders and adopt a whole of institution approach to the challenges of sustainable development.

We are open, connected and engaged in bringing people together to develop, co-create and share knowledge for the benefit of our region and beyond.

We operate in a responsive manner where integrity and excellence underpin all we do. We are honest, fair and ethical through our words and actions.

TUS Purpose Statement

The Technological University of the Shannon provides leading student-centered higher education that is research-informed, regionally-relevant and accessible to all.

TUS Vision to 2030

To be a catalyst for sustainable change through education and research that transforms lives, our region and the world beyond.

Our Strategic Priorities

Our strategy will be achieved through the execution of a number of cross-cutting objectives, which are aligned to our four overarching strategic priorities.

Priority 1:

Provide a relevant high-quality education offering, focused on interdisciplinarity, delivered in both traditional and flexible ways to cater to a diverse cohort of students, across multi-campus locations.

Objective 1

Provide greater access pathways through progression options, apprenticeships, online delivery, flexible learning, international and non-traditional routes to education

Objective 2

Enhance student-centred teaching and learning that is research-informed and enables a diverse cohort of learners to achieve successful outcomes

Objective 3

Harness the knowledge and skills necessary to address challenges and deliver impact regionally, nationally and internationally

Objective 4

Foster the development of graduates that can make a tangible difference in society

Expected Outcome

Our research-informed education will produce work-ready and world-ready graduates that make a notable impact on our region and drive wider societal transformation

Objective 1

Percentage (%) increase of student numbers across a range of routes of entry [traditional CAO, apprenticeship, LLL etc.]
Target = 12%

Objective 2

Percentage (%) increase of students who progress across a range of provision and methods of delivery
Target = Overall increase 3%

Objective 3

Percentage (%) of programmes (Full-time Level 8) with a work placement associated
Target = 100%

Objective 4

Percentage (%) of graduates in employment or further study [from HEA Graduate Outcomes Survey]
Target = 92%

Expected Outcome

Our research-informed education will produce work-ready and world-ready graduates that make a notable impact on our region and drive wider societal transformation

Priority 2:

Deliver impactful applied research, growing the research community, engaging in next generation thinking and tackling issues at a regional, national and global level.

Objective 1

Drive increased participation in research that leads to growth in academic and student researchers

Objective 2

Embed a whole of institution research culture that strengthens alignment between research, teaching and learning, and support functions

Objective 3

Create a connected community of research-active staff, students and stakeholders underpinned by structures that promote creativity and drive innovation

Objective 4

Build capacity through RUN-EU and wider international partnerships and collaborations to target specific research areas that support employment and address societal needs

Expected Outcome

Our applied research will generate new knowledge and provide impactful solutions that address regional, national and global challenges and opportunities

Objective 1

Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) income (€)
Target = 40% growth

Objective 2

Research outputs not limited to the traditional outputs
Target = Publications: Overall increase 100% Other RDI outputs: Overall increase 50%

Objective 3

Percentage (%) increase of staff involved in RDI activities
Target = Overall increase 50%

Objective 4

Percentage (%) increase of collaborative research engagement activity
Target = Overall increase 50%

Expected Outcome

Our applied research will generate new knowledge and provide impactful solutions that address regional, national and global challenges and opportunities

Priority 3:
People and Organisation

Operate as an integrated organisation, where everyone’s potential can be realised, and where all individuals are provided with equal opportunities.

Objective 1

Provide opportunities and supports that nurture capabilities, promote wellbeing and inspire the growth, development, training and mobility of our people

Objective 2

Enhance the experience of our evolving student demographic across all aspects of university life and deliver an education beyond the academic qualification

Objective 3

Create an inclusive Technological University people are proud to be part of and where our diverse population has a voice

Objective 4

Establish a well functioning structure that supports the successful achievement of our purpose, strategic priorities and desired outcomes

Expected Outcome

We will have a cohesive TUS culture underpinned by the core values of our university and embraced by all

Objective 1

Percentage (%) increase of staff attending accredited and non-accredited programmes
Target = 25%

Objective 2

Percentage (%) of students who rate their overall TUS experience as good / excellent
Target = 80%

Objective 3

Investment in the satisfaction of our diverse people (student / staff satisfaction rate) [to create a TUS culture underpinned by our university values]
Target = 85% satisfaction rate in our people being able to raise their voice

Objective 4

Ensure alignment between structure and strategy
Target: Achievement of expected outcomes

Expected Outcome

We will have a cohesive TUS culture underpinned by the core values of our university and embraced by all

Priority 4:
Connecting Communities

Build and enhance relationships and partnerships to drive the sustainable development of our region and make an impact nationally and internationally.

Objective 1

Create a true sense of belonging through a more integrated campus community that connects staff and students beyond the physical environment

Objective 2

Grow and enhance our physical and virtual spaces to enable new ways of working, participating, and co-creating

Objective 3

Focus on engagement and communication that enhances connections, builds communities, and aligns actions to address complex societal challenges

Objective 4

Support and enable our partners to deliver sustainable futures and foster systemic change

Expected Outcome

Our connected TUS community will be thought leaders who generate insight, embrace opportunities and co-create solutions to complex challenges

Objective 1

Level of connectivity experienced by staff and students
Target = Enhanced engagement as evidenced by biannual survey outcomes

Objective 2

Funds invested (€) in new, refurbished and repurposed spaces, supporting and enabling the projected growth in student numbers*
Target = €120m
*this figure does not include cost related to affordable Purpose-Built Student Accommodation.

Objective 3

Percentage (%) increase of productive partnerships with external bodies
Target = 20%

Objective 4

Performance of TUS using Sustainability Leadership Scorecard (SLS)
Target for 2025/2026: Overall score 60% (Bronze Level)

Expected Outcome

Our connected TUS community will be thought leaders who generate insight, embrace opportunities and co-create solutions to complex challenges

Our Strategic Enablers

Lead to embrace opportunity, navigate challenges and optimise use of university resources through a highly effective organisational structure.

Embed reflective practice to build a culture of continuous improvement throughout the university.

Govern and operate in a manner that is transparent, manages risk, ensures accountability, optimises performance and aligns with policy.

Communicate and connect with stakeholders through practices, processes, technologies, and digitisation methods that achieve impact.

Invest in and develop our infrastructure to enable our ambitions.

Support sustainable development and embed UN SDG integration across all activities to generate positive impact.

Timeline of the TUS Journey

TUS Journey Timeline

Framework and Reporting

Framework and reporting diagram